Chapter 22

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Inaaya got out of the house dressed in a striped medium A-line dress. She couldn't believe that Charlotte tricked her in going to this party with her, pouting and making a puppy face while their French teacher, Mr. Cooper was teaching verbs. She was standing near the car in a short black halter dress with a denim jacket over it. She asked, "Do you think I will be able to make him jealous?"

Charlotte had a crush on Ayaan's best friend Nicholas since she entered the school, who happened to be a decent guy when Inaaya talked to him in cafeteria. Her only motive tonight was to get Nicholas notice her. Inaaya replied, "You look like small pixie"

She squinted, "Are you making fun of my height?"

Inaaya smiled, "It was a compliment. I meant you look cute as pixie"

"Oh, thanks" saying this, the small girl hopped in the driver seat. As they reached the house, they noticed it was flooded with people. Everyone had a plastic cup in their hands. Music was blasting in the backyard. They entered the house which had some unknown faces. Inaaya asked Charlotte screaming in her because of music, "Why am I getting a feeling like we are crashing someone else's party? I don't even know a single person"

Charlotte took her hand, pushing through the crowd arrived in kitchen where it was less noisy. Most people were locking lips unaware of the people around in there. She replied, "Everyone from our school is here. You just wait here while I look for him"

Charlotte signed the scared Inaaya to stay calm. The latter got uncomfortable when the couple beside her who had their lips locked started moaning. She ran out in the backyard where she noticed a bunch of guys screaming 'Chug! Chug!"

They say it is first time for everything. Parties were not her forte. Maybe it was because she was not a social person or maybe it was that she preferred being at home with her dog more, she wondered. Her throat went dry. She picked up one of the plastic cups. She felt her insides burn as she swallowed the drink. Charlotte came from behind saying, "That a-hole is playing tongue with the red-head from cheer team. I can't believe it. I actually thought I could get his attention"

She emptied two cups. Inaaya asked, "What is this? It tastes weird"

"It is a drink to forget your emotions" she replied. Taking off her jacket, she said, "It is so hot. I want to dance"

Emptying another cup, she went to the dance area. As Inaaya watched Charlotte dance, she noticed Ayaan dancing with Zara who had her arms around him. She took him in the corner and started kissing him. A pain struck in Inaaya's heart. She wanted to control herself from crying. Soon, she found herself reaching for the plastic cup. As she watched them, she drank four cups. The world around her started swirling. A guy came to her and she started joking with him.

As they were sitting near the pool, the boy put his hand on her thigh. She shrugged it off but he pulled her closer as he slid his hand up her thighs. Someone pulled him up by his collar. Everything was hazy for Inaaya. She saw Ayaan murmuring something before the guy went away. She got up but stumbled. He caught her by wrist saying, "Come, and let me take you home"

She pushed him back, "No, don't touch me. You don't touch me"

"You should have said that to him"

She asked trying to gain her balance, "Who?"

He shook his head, "No one. You need to go home"

She closed the distance between them saying, "No, you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. I am not yours"

Suddenly, she felt crying and tears started pouring down before she knew it. Her innocent voice spoke, "I could have been yours. I had so many dreams. I can't believe I actually fell in love with you."

He watched her with eyes widened. She continued, "Yes, I fell in love with you. I didn't want to. But you were so nice. You were the first person who was not forced to be nice to me but you were. You were my friend, so why did you do that? I try every day to hate you but I can't. How can I un-love you? You broke my heart and all you could say was sorry. Do you know how much it hurts? It feels like someone staked your heart and now they are twisting the knife"

She stumbled again as she started to walk. As he was about to hold her, she pushed him, "No, I don't need your help. Go screw my sister"

He watched her take some step and then fall. He had her arm around his neck and helped her walk. She smelled like lilies. He found Charlotte but she was busy dancing with Nicholas. She seemed too drunk to drive. He thanked his luck when he noticed Zara busy with her friends. He put the seat belt on Inaaya as she drifted to sleep. Slipping in driver's seat, he glanced at Inaaya who resembled a sleeping baby.

He knew where Nanda's kept their spare key. He had practice to roam around in the dark as he had snuck in the house couple of times. Unlocking the door, he helped her to her room. He saw Vanilla watching him. Signaling her to keep quiet, he got Inaaya on bed, took off her shoes and tucked her. He stroked Vanilla before sneaking out of the house.

Getting in his car, he couldn't get Inaaya out of his head. She confessed that she loved him. The car smelled like her. There was something about her which attracted him. He had never left Zara alone in a party for another girl but when he saw Ricky, his teammate take advantage of her, a rage build inside him. He didn't know what was happening to him. Closing his eyes, he imagined her lying peacefully on the car seat. Her soft tresses felt like silk in his hand when helped her get out of the car. The moment she moaned as he put her on the bed and had her fingers clutching his jacket. His heart wanted to lie down beside and watch her sleep. Sighing, he shook his head trying to get her out of his head.

He noticed something at the floor of the car. Picking up the beaded bracelet, he thoughtlessly kept it in his pocket.

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