Chapter 13

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Charlotte tried to pull Inaaya out of her gray sedan which had black interiors and leather covers on the seats. Inaaya whined, "I don't want to go anywhere. Let her kill me"

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Don't be such a drama queen"

She was still sitting in car with her head leaning against the seat, "How did you convince my grandparents for all of this?"

Charlotte shrugged with a smile, "It was easy. I just told them what happened leaving out small details and they allowed me to give you a makeover. To give you a little confidence. Even though they don't know me that well, they still trusted me...Huh!"

She cried, "But I don't want a makeover"

Charlotte pulled her out of the car, shutting the door behind her, "Well, then do it for them. They want you to show the world what you can do"

Inaaya observed the big shop named 'Exquisite'. The salon had black and white interiors and ladies sitting in for various purposes. One woman was having her nails polished while bickering on phone with her husband, probably. One of them had a green slime over her face. Inaaya made a face which one of the workers noticed. Quickly, she followed Charlotte who was talking to the lanky guy with purple highlights in his hair. He passed a big smile to Inaaya before gesturing her to sit in the chair. He introduced himself, "I am Ryan. I am so glad Coco, the lovely Coco brought you here. I am the best you could get."

He studied Inaaya saying, "You don't need lot of work if you just maintain yourself"

Inaaya furrowed her brows, "Really?"

Ryan turned to Charlotte asking, "What do you want me to do?"

Inaaya replied before she could answer, "I don't want my sister to even recognize me. That way my life will be spared"

Something clicked in Charlotte's mind. She gave Inaaya a wicked smile. She ordered, "Change her"

After some hours, Inaaya was sitting in front of the mirror in shock. She trembled, "Who...who is that?"

Charlotte laughed, "That is you"

The damaged, messy brown curls have turned into straight silver tresses with fringes covering her forehead. Her thick eyebrows were medium arched with her cheekbones becoming more prominent because of make-up and her lips were rose pink. Her fingers donned scarlet nail-paint. Charlotte smilingly ran her fingers through her hair, "Make-up can change people. Now your sister won't even recognize you"

Inaaya glanced at herself and laughed, "She is going to freak out"

Ryan combed her hair, "I am so proud of my work. Who needs a plastic surgery when I can do wonders here?"

Inaaya joked, "That was my last option"

After paying at the counter and collecting the free samples from Ryan, Charlotte wrapped her arm around Inaaya saying, "Now, we are going shopping. What do you think where to first? Louis Vuitton, H&M or something Versace?"

Her eyes were widened. Charlotte sighed, "You don't know what I am talking about?"

Inaaya nodded, "English please"

Stuffing the bags in the hood, Charlotte sat in the driver's seat. Grabbing the wheel, she remarked, "I have to teach you a lot of things"

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