Chapter 34

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Zara was sitting at foot of Ayaan's bed. She studied her boyfriend who was trying to make a tune on his guitar. His soft hair fell over his eyes but he didn't brush them off. She used to love when he made new tunes but it was annoying her today because he sounded off-beat. She asked shutting her notebook, "What's wrong with you? You are different"

He shook his head keeping his eyes glued to guitar, "It is nothing"

He kept the guitar aside frustrated. She snuggled next to him saying, "We can go out for a movie"

He sighed, "How do you feel like road-trip?"

She shook her head and took her notebook, "I can't. I have so many things to do right now. You know I have to meet with Vanessa and make plan for her campaign. She will be an excellent Class President. Then I have to start planning for the new cheer routine with Coach. And..."

"I get it. You are busy" he replied. She gave a peck on his lips saying, "You know I would have loved to go with you if I didn't have a crazy schedule"

He walked to the window. He saw Inaaya sitting in the backyard playing with Vanilla. A smile appeared on his face but it was gone when he saw Ethan walking out of the house. He kissed Inaaya and started playing with Vanilla. He turned to Zara saying, "Let's go for the movie"

She jumped out of bed, "Okay. But I don't want to watch any action flick or horror or..."

He sighed, "Babe, we will see whatever they are showing"

She grabbed her purse followed by Ayaan. As he was getting out of the garage, he glanced at Inaaya who was playfully scolding Vanilla. Tightening his grip on steering, he took a deep breath. He could feel his heart sinking.

A week later, the night of the Championship game arrived. Inaaya walked in the school with Ethan. Even though, she was not that interested in the game, she showed up to cheer for her school. She felt guilty for not being able to talk to Ayaan. When she walked up to him after their rehearsal, he turned a blind eye before walking out, she remembered. Ethan joked about something which caught her attention. She smiled a little. Everyone was entering the court and taking their seats when Inaaya noticed Ayaan sitting on the staircase. She knew she had to do something. Turning to Ethan, she said, "I have to run to Ladies room. Save a seat for me"

He nodded and entered the court. She walked up to Ayaan and took a seat next to him saying, "You know what my grandfather used to say? He said whenever you are nervous, think of it like you are going to die and the thing you are going to do is the only thing people will remember. That ways you give your hundred percent because everyone wants to be remembered."

When he didn't react, she continued, "Yeah, his advice is dark but sometimes works. Imagine thinking that before you are going to propose someone that would be crazy in so many ways. Anyways, I just want to say whatever you are thinking, you should let it all out. Whatever it is you don't have to go through it alone. It may come as shock to you but there are many people who are worried about you"

"I am fine" he replied. She slid closer, "I know you are not fine. There is something bothering you. I have never seen you like this. You don't annoy me anymore or talk to anyone unless it is important"

"Stop it" he whispered. She taken a back, "What?"

He had his eyes on his foot. She stood in front of him saying, "I am trying to help you. Why are you shutting people away? You are distracted. You need help."

She noticed hurt in his eyes when he looked up saying, "You need stop talking to me. You need to stop because I am distracted. You want to know what is distracting me... It's you"

Her body froze. She could see it in his eyes, the pain. He got up and came close to her continuing, "You know what I keep thinking about...that how lucky that guy is to be with you. I get mad when he touches you. I want to do that. I want to spend days with you talking about the stuff you like. I want to take you places that you like. I want to know you. I didn't even know that you like going to planetarium. I want to know these things. I want you to be with me. I want to make you look at me like I look at you. I miss you. You know my heart breaks into thousand pieces when he kisses you. The whole time I keep wondering what your lips would taste like. I am distracted... because I like you like I have never liked anyone. I know you probably think I am joking again but I am not. I think I love you and no matter how hard I try to stop myself from doing that. I can't help but..."

She didn't react. His body craved for her. He cursed as he lost control, "Oh fuck it. I can't..."

Pulling her close by waist, he caught her lips with his. She closed her eyes as his arms tightened around her. She could resist him but lost control over her body. Her heart started racing. He teased the tip of her tongue with his and ran his hand across her spine. His hair were thick and soft between her fingers. She could feel the storm in him. The world around her vanished. He pulled back nibbling her lower lip. Landing another small kiss, he gasped for breath saying, "I have game to get back to"

He ran to the boy's locker room. Sitting on the stairs, she had her head blank. Reliving the feeling of his lips touching her, she had her finger caressing them with a smile. It had been her dream since she met him. Her smile faded when she remembered the reality. It was 'I-want-to-but-I-can't-have-you' kiss which the main character in her novels always had with their love. She burst in tears. Her life which had fallen into place had been messed up again. Running to the washroom, she washed her face and tried to smile. Her eyes were filled with water but her lips smiled. She had mastered this art.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the court and found Charlotte and Ethan watching the game. She saw Zara cheering for the team in her blue and white uniform. She turned to Ethan who offered her chips which she declined with a smile. Ayaan glanced at Inaaya and their eyes met. He turned his attention back in game. She could feel her heart beating for him again.

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