The First Emails.

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Happy Halloween!

Beca was in her shared dorm apartment. It had to be about 2 in the morning. Her roommate, Amy, was being loud as usual with some guy she met at a party. The woman just learned to shove her earbuds in and get lost into the music she loved.

This time though she sat at the kitchen table; staring at the blank email. Jesse had encouraged her to email this girl, but Beca was hesitant. She would type some things out, but quickly delete it.

"Fuck it.." Beca muttered after staring at it for almost twenty minutes.


I'm new to this penpal emailing shit. Isn't it for hipsters anyway? My friend gave me your email saying we should talk. Mainly because apparently you might be as miserable as I am said to be. But, who could blame me? This college is shit. The only interesting group are full of bitches that rejected my roommate. Anyway, I'm getting off track. Feel free to message me back.


Then just like that, Beca hit send before giving her time to read it over and hate it even more. She took a deep breath and shut the laptop; not wanting to admit she just gave in to the most hipster thing in the world. Well, college world.

She was about to get up when she felt someone tap on her shoulder making her nearly jump out of her skin. Beca ripped her earbuds out and turned to see Amy in just a t-shirt.

"Amy!" Beca sighed. "Why do you only have a shirt on?" She asked; thankful it went down to her knees.

"Why do you think?" She asked in her Australian accent as she walked over to get water. "Why are you up and out here?"

"Had to make some emails" Beca shrugged.

"For?" Amy asked.


"You never have to make work emails for the station" Amy pointed out before lifting the water bottle up to her lips.

"Well things change" Beca laughed awkwardly as she picked her laptop up. "Just like your taste in men. They get shittier and shittier" Beca smirked as she walked out.

"At least I am getting laid" Amy chuckled.

"Good night, Amy!" Beca ignored her; disappearing into her bedroom.

"Night" Amy chuckled.

Beca shut the bedroom door behind her; finding her end table to turn the light on. The light was dim in the room, but lit it up enough Beca could place her laptop on her desk and charge it over night.

Thoughts ran through Beca's mind as she did so. What if the girl never responded to Beca's email? Why did Beca even care? She didn't even want to use this stupid penpal email thing. So why would she even care?

The brunette sighed as she crawled into bed; turning the bedside lamp back off so she could go to bed. That is if her brain would even let her.


Beca jumped with some curse word escaping her lips the next morning. Her alarm scaring her awake like it always did. Of course she would make a promise to fix that so it only woke her up and didn't scare the shit out of her. But then again, she knew she wouldn't.

She reached over for her phone on the end table. With just one hand she unplugged it from it's charger and brought it over to turn the alarm off. The brightness of the screen made Beca's eyes squint as she tried to read the notifications.

Emails Where stories live. Discover now