Unexpected Turnaround.

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Beca was sat in the back row of the auditorium behind The Trebles. Her phone had buzzed a few minutes ago with an email from the girl. She had yet to read it though being she was listening to Jesse and one of the other Trebles argue over something ridiculous.

Usually Beca would never in a million years go with Jesse to anything acapella related. But, the email she got the other stuck in her mind. Maybe whoever the other girl that Beca was emailing was right. Maybe she was right about Chloe Beale and how she was actually nice. Plus, Beca wanted to try and get Amy into the group. Not that she would ever admit to it.

"And it's the lovely Bella's!" Benji smiled.

"Kind of you to join us" One of the other Trebles chuckled.

"We are on time, you boys are just early" Aubrey commented as the girl's sat up front.

"Are the Sock Puppet's joining us this year?" Aubrey asked.

"I believe so, yeah" Jesse confirmed.

"Great, auditions can be an hour late if they're joining" Aubrey sighed. "Is there already a line?"

"Yeah, short this year" Jesse sighed at the low popularity of their acapella scene.

"Is she auditioning?" Aubrey pointed to Beca causing Chloe to snicker. "What?" She asked.

"That's Beca Mitchell. No way in hell she is getting on that stage" Chloe said.

"What's that supposed to mean Beale?" Beca spoke up.

Their eyes caught each other; both staring at one another. Chloe had a smirk plastered on her face. She had gotten the attention of the brunette like she wanted perfectly.

Beca never in a million years would want to be a part of any type of acapella group, let alone The Barden Bella's. That just seemed ridiculously like a bad idea. But, there was something in Chloe's eyes that pulled Beca towards her. It was like she was being manipulated and even Beca knew it.

"You actually auditioning for The Bella's? Isn't it only for preppy bitches?" Chloe smirked as she said the words from one of the emails Beca had sent.

"I can't even sing" Beca lied.

"Bullshit" Jesse laughed. "Come on, you should audition. I've heard you sing before-"

"I was drunk" Beca said.

"You sound the same sober!" Jesse said.

"Well come on, now you have me interested to know what she sounds like" Stacie said.

"Come on, Beca" Benji encouraged.

"I don't even know what song you people want me to sing" Beca used the excuse.

"Sing anything" Chloe said.

Beca took a deep breath and looked over to her best friend, Jesse. He seemed encouraging and knowing of something that Beca didn't. She took a deep breath and let her eyes wonder back to the redhead who had a daring look.

"Please?" Chloe asked.

"Fine" Beca said before getting up walking towards the stage.

"Great!" Chloe grinned as she sat down; watching Beca walk on to the stage.

"Didn't you say there was another group coming?" Beca asked Aubrey.

"Yeah, but they are mainly stoners who never win. Also they really won't care if we audition you without them" Aubrey informed.

Beca nodded and let her eyes scan around. She was trying to think of what to sing, but was unsure until she saw the yellow cup that had pens in it. Chloe had brought it in when they arrived.

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