Taking it Home.

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Chloe walked into the breakfast room in the hotel. The aftermath of the previous night still affecting all of the ladies. They were tired, hung over, yet happy they won and going to National's.

She scanned her eyes to find Beca standing by the coffee maker. Her hip leaning against the counter; eyes staring at the coffee that was being poured into the cup. She looked extremely tired and hung over. Beca had gotten drunk at the after party last night even though Chloe wanted to talk, but it never happened.

"Hey, morning" Chloe spoke softly; nerves running through her veins as she walked up to her.

Beca looked up at Chloe; running a hand through her hair. She had tired eyes, a pissed off attitude from her headache, and was running on no caffeine at the moment. Chloe knew it was risky to approach her, but she did anyway.

"What?" Beca asked.

"You look hung over" Chloe said.

"No, this is just a new look I'm trying out" Beca said with sarcasm covering her voice.

"Funny," Chloe rolled her eyes; copying the stance Beca had against the counter. "I wanted to talk last night.." Chloe whispered.

"Of all nights, last night wasn't ideal" Beca said.

"You said we would before we performed"

"Yeah and then we went partying after we won"

"So just because we won changed that?"

"What is there to even discuss? You lied-"

"I did, but I can't lose you. Beca, I really can't" Chloe said as the coffee maker alerted Beca it was done.

Chloe instantly took the cup and walked away with it towards to the table with cream and sugars. Beca sighed and followed her; knowing Chloe was just going to make it for her. But she knew talking would go along with it being made for her.

"Extra va-"

"I know," Chloe cut off. "Anyway, I can't lose you. I don't know how you feel about me-"

"You read my emails. Obviously you do" Beca muttered a bit annoyed.

"Right now..I mean now" Chloe clarified as she poured the sugar packet in. "I don't know if you want me to go away or not"

"No.." Beca muttered. "I don't want you to go away"

"Well I don't want you to leave The Bella's either.." Chloe said.

"When would I-"

"The email, Becs.." She said; pouring a packet of vanilla in.

"Oh," Beca remembered what she wrote. "Yeah well, I-"

"You're not. You can't alright? I can't lose you" Chloe said. "I messed up. I know, I really did. But, I still can't lose you. You're the most important person that has ever walked into my life.." She said; handing Beca the coffee. "Plus, The Bella's are going to need you at National's"

"Thanks" Beca said for the coffee.

"So, what can we do?" Chloe asked. "Because I really want you in my life and I'm just really sorry.."

"You're lucky you're you. If you were anyone else I would tell you to fuck off" Beca said and sipped the coffee. "Also you make amazing coffee"

"I know I do" Chloe grinned. "Thank you for the second chance.."

"I never give them so, you must be special" Beca said with a shrug.

"You're extra special" Chloe winked.

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