Make Some Room.

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"So, you're going to Chloe's family for the holidays?" Her father asked.

He was sat at his desk in his office that remained on campus. Beca stood on the other side; feeling her anxiety swarm throughout her. She knew she had to tell her father, but it was still always nerve wracking. He wasn't abusive or anything towards Beca. The guy just liked having his kids with him for the holidays.

"Yeah" Beca nodded.

"How come? Is it because you don't want to come to my house or-"

"No! It's not that just, I don't want to hear about the fact that I'm going to hell because I'm gay all over again" Beca explained.

"Your grandparents are about to kick the bucket, this might be the last Christmas you'll have to hear that" Her father spoke, causing her to snicker.

There was no doubt Beca and her father shared the same sense of humor. Growing up she was always closer to her father. Something her mother resented her for. But, she was a kid. How was Beca to know that it was different from the other girls? All the other girls in her school were very close to their mother and always attended the school dances, liked shopping, etc. But, Beca preferred playing air hockey in the basement or listening to music.

"Are you sure you want to spend it with her?" He asked.

"I'm pretty positive about it" Beca nodded.

"Are we seeing Chloe in the future?" He asked.

Beca's father knew not to ask directly to the point about relationships to his daughter. So, he would bounce around the point. He had an idea that Beca and Chloe would be together, but he wasn't entirely sure.

"Probably" Beca nodded.

"Alright," He nodded. "Well, you know I don't mind where you go. I just want you safe and happy. Your mother though, she'll be a little pissed"

"She's always pissed off even if I choose to go to her house. The step-douche will just go on a Jesus rant again" Beca said.

"I know, I know" He sighed. "You hear from your sister on where she is going?"

"I haven't talked to her since last winter. Last thing I knew she was in Mexico"

"Mexico?" He asked with confusion to his voice.

"Damned if I would know" Beca chuckled and her phone went off. "Shit, I have class"

"Alright, well get going. Text me when you girls leave and get back so I know you're safe" He said.

"Yeah, I will. Bye" Beca said and quickly left while she left it on a good note.

She began to walk down the building hallway; feeling her phone start to buzz repeatedly. Beca lifted it and saw Chloe's face. It was a photo of her that Beca took the night they won at competition.

The photo was taken back outside the hotel. Beca was sitting on the concrete  as Chloe stood above her. Chloe was watching Amy getting herself stuck in a tree which was making her giggle like crazy. Her hand covered her mouth as her eyes lit up. It was perfect because to Beca, Chloe was perfect.

"Hey" Beca said as she put it to her ear.

"Did you tell your Dad?" She asked.

"Just did, yeah. Used an excuse I had class to leave on a good note" Beca said as she exited the building.

"Yes!" Chloe said. Beca could see her smiling through the phone. "I'm going to rent a car for us and we are staying like four days there" Chloe explained.

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