Moving Out.

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"Beca! Where is my blender?!" Amy yelled through the dorm that they were currently packing up to move into The Barden Bella's house.

Beca took a deep breath; closing her eyes to calm herself down before killing the Australian. She loved Amy like a best friend, but the woman was asking Beca where almost every item was. It was driving Beca insane to no end.

"Have you checked the kitchen?" Beca asked.

"No" Amy replied. "Should I?" She yelled back.

"Probably!" Beca yelled back with sarcasm covering her voice. A hopeless laugh escaped her lips.

Beca continued packing her clothes into a box. She would fold the shirts as she mumbled lyrics along to Kendrick Lamar. The woman got lost into the music, not even realizing that someone had walked into her room.

"Cute room-"

"Jesus!" Beca jumped seeing the redhead that had been living on Beca's mind across the room from her. "Ever heard of knocking?" She muttered.

"I texted you and Amy in the Bella's groupchat I was on my way over" Chloe informed.

"Been a little busy to check my phone" Beca muttered as she returned to packing her things.

Chloe basically invited herself to walk around; seeing the things Beca hadn't packed yet. On her desk were some photos that looked like Beca at a young age. She was having the brightest smile in the world next to what looked like her mother.

"This your mom?" Chloe asked softly; gesturing to the photo.

Beca looked up as she was taping a box shut. Her eyes scanned from Chloe to the photo; letting a sigh escape her lips with a soft nod of her head.

"Yeah" She shrugged.

"It's so cute" Chloe grinned. "You were so cute too, what happened?" Chloe smirked at the small insult she threw causing Beca to let out a fake laugh.

"Oh funny!" Beca said as she walked over to the bedroom door; opening it and gesturing to it. "How about you take that funny and leave my room?"

"You wish" Chloe grinned and Amy appeared in the doorway.

"Beca!" She gasped.

"Amy!" Beca mocked the same breathing pattern.

"My blender broke! Mr Blender is dead!" She yelled.

"Oh my god.." Beca threw her head back wondering what her life had become. "We can get you a new on-"

"But that was Mr Blender!"

"Then we will get Mrs Blender!"

"He was gay, Beca! Just like you!" Amy yelled. "You should know these things"

"I'll get with the program next year" Beca grumbled.

"What program?" Amy asked.

"Gays association? I don't know, can we finish packing?!" Beca asked.

"Oh shit, right. I gotta finish!" Amy said and disappeared from the doorway.

Beca let the door fall behind her as she returned to the room covered in boxes. Boxes that were empty and some where already taped shut; ready to be moved. The brunette hated when it was like this because it felt overwhelming to no end. What didn't help was the bubbly redhead sitting at her desk; watching her.

"So, you're into girls?" Chloe asked.

"I guess" Beca shrugged.

"You guess? That's it?" Chloe chuckled. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

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