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Chloe and her mother decided to go to bed around midnight. The redhead was nervous what she would find back into her room. Beca easily could have ran off or maybe was pissed off at her for the letter.

Instead though as she walked into the room, she found a sleeping Beca. She quietly shut the door behind her; walking up carefully. The woman had fallen asleep in her jeans. Chloe knew just by that Beca didn't mean to fall asleep. But, she was holding onto one of Chloe's hoodies and the letter. Her face pressed against Chloe's hoodie.

She knew she had to wake Beca up anyway so she could change into her comfier clothes and they could both get under the covers. But, she looked so peaceful and adorable the way her face was snuggled against the older woman's hoodie. Chloe didn't have the heart to wake her up.

She decided to just get changed into her pajamas, using Beca's tshirt as part of that with her own pajama bottoms that had puppies on them. The woman tied her hair up into a messy bun before lying down next to Beca.

The comforter was under them and Chloe didn't want to wake her to get it over them. So she just placed her arm around Beca's side; snuggling her face against her shoulder. They would talk about the letter in the morning. For now, Chloe was content just falling asleep.


The next morning rolled around and Chloe was up first. She had already gotten dressed and was downstairs helping her mom prep for Thanksgiving dinner. Beca still fast asleep upstairs.

"Beca still sleeping?" Diane asked.

"Yeah, the apocalypse could happen and Beca would still be sleeping" Chloe giggled as she cleaned the fancy  dishes they would use tonight. "I can wake her up, she doesn't kill me. She would kill others, but not me" Chloe smirked to herself; feeling proud to have that type of title.

"Let her get up whenever. People aren't coming over until around three today. Your father should be back in an hour though" Diane said.

"Hour? I'll go wake her up then" Chloe shut the water off and dried her hands with the towel. Her mother chuckled beside her. "What?" Chloe asked.

"Nothing, go wake her up" Diane smiled.

"What was the chuckle for?" Chloe asked.

"You, sweetheart. You're crazy for her" Diane said.

"Kind of" Chloe shrugged with a slight smirk before exiting the room to go upstairs.

The woman nearly ran up the stairs and down the hall; opening her old bedroom door. She expected Beca to be asleep, but Beca was sitting at Chloe's desk. Her headphones rested on her head as she was working on some mix.

Chloe shut the door behind her; leaning against the wall afterwards to admire the woman. She was so lost in her creative state. The redhead wasn't surprised when Beca packed her laptop and MIDI keyboard. It was like an addiction to Beca to have that on her at all times.

Sometimes it would be because she had a creative spark. Others it would be because Beca was avoiding overthinking or feelings. Chloe assumed it was the second reason due to the letter that Beca read.

Chloe slowly walked up behind her; not wanting to scare her. She slowly took the headphones off of her head which scared Beca anyway. She jumped a bit and quickly turned, taking a sigh of relief when she realized it was only Chloe.

"Hey, sorry" Chloe said.

"It's fine" Beca said; holding her hand out for the headphones which Chloe gave to her.

"What's going on here?" Chloe asked.

"Just had an idea for a mix" Beca lied.

"Alright," Chloe said. "You sure it's not because you want to avoid talking?"

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