Mid-Week Rehearsal.

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"And a 5..6..7..8!" Aubrey yelled and the group sprung right into their routine.

It was Wednesday and they had been rehearsing until midnight each day since Saturday. Beca had also been ignoring Chloe and avoiding her. Chloe seemed to be doing the same which was upsetting to Beca, but a relief.

"Alright stop! It's not right!" She yelled. "Everyone is out of time"

"Because you're overworking us!" Cynthia-Rose spoke up.

"I agree, we can't keep practicing after dinner till midnight anymore" Amy sighed.

"They're right" Stacie said softly.

"No! They- Ugh! Chloe?" Aubrey called for Chloe to come up to talk to her.

But, Chloe was staring off into space. Not really into space because her eyes were locked on Beca. But, her mind was way far out in space. She still hadn't responded to Beca's latest email. Beca was falling in love with Chloe. It had to be because she had money. That's all love really meant in Chloe's life. That's what she had become accustomed to.

Her heart wanted, no craved, the love from Beca. But, her head was making it nearly impossible. Beca had been avoiding her since their last argument where Beca called her the "2 am girl" which was last weekend.

Competition was this weekend as well. Chloe was trying to focus on that because she knew winning and moving onto National's meant alot to Aubrey. Aubrey is like a sister to her. She wanted to have her happy. But, yet her attention was else where and else where was Beca.

"Chloe!" Aubrey snapped causing Chloe to look away from Beca.

"Coming!" Chloe said and rushed up to the front next to Aubrey. "What's up?"

"They think we are rehearsing too much"


"But do they not realize we need to win?"


"And winning comes from rehearsing!"


"And it seems anyone can only keep their mind elsewhere for some reason-"

"Beca is in love with me, falling in love, I don't know. I just know it's more then a friend" Chloe harshly whispered only for Aubrey to hear.

"And if we don't win we-" Aubrey cut herself off and just stared at Chloe; processing what she had heard. "What?" She asked.

"I've been trying to tell you but rehearsals are non stop and Aubrey I'm losing my mind" Chloe said on the verge of tears.

"But rehearsal and com..pe..ti..tion" Aubrey mumbled out slowly the rest. She didn't want to see Chloe cry. So she took a deep breath and turned to the group of tired looking ladies. "Alright, pitches! Everyone go home, get some rest. Movie night tonight so join us around ten"

"Wait what?" Ashley asked.

"No more rehearsal?" Amy asked.

"Until further notice. Chloe and I need to discuss some things about the hotel and whatever" Aubrey lied.

"Alright, sweet!" Cynthia-Rose said and went to grab her things.

Stacie walked up to the duo and placed her hand on Aubrey's shoulder. She was happy her girlfriend decided to give them all a break. But, wondered what made her do it and if she was alright.

"I'm glad you listened, but what's really going on?" She looked between Aubrey and Chloe.

"I'll explain later. I just need to talk with Chloe" Aubrey said and gave Stacie a small kiss on the lips.

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