Slide Into Life

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The bus pulled into the parking lot; earning cheers from the ladies in the bus. Out their windows was a huge waterpark with the sounds of rushing water and screams.

Amy parked the bus; instantly jumping up after taking the keys out. All the girls were squealing about the idea of being at the waterpark. They were rummaging their backpacks as some rushed out to their luggage for a bathing suit.

Beca was standing in the parking lot though; not bothering to look for her own bathing suit. Her eyes were glued down to her phone. She was texting her sister back about how they wouldn't be ending the tour.

When she looked up though, she saw all the the ladies nearly jumping higher then the bus about being here. The woman raised an eyebrow; shoving her phone back in her pocket before opening her mouth to speak.

"A waterpark? Really guys?" Beca asked; arms folded across her chest. "Don't you think we're all a little too old for a waterpark?" She asked.

"Beca!" All the girls yelled in unison at the woman with a gasp.

"What?!" Beca exclaimed.

She was taken a back by the sudden outburst from the other ladies. Though, she wondered why she jumped at the reaction. The woman should be used to it by now. She always made the girls yell at her like this.

Whether it was about her not liking a movie, TV show, or anything else. Anytime she said something about not liking it, they all freaked out in unison. Beca guessed in her mind that not liking waterparks was once of those freak out moments for them.

"Chloe! Fix your girlfriend!" Stacie yelled.

Chloe chuckled a bit before looking over at Beca.

"You're never too old for a waterpark" She said.

"I feel like that's just denial" Beca said.

"I feel like you just don't understand the word fun" Amy said.

"Come on ladies! Just drag Beca if she tries to stay back!" Aubrey yelled out; starting to lead the group to the gated entrance.

Amy walked right behind Beca with her arms out; shuffling her feet behind her. Beca looked over her shoulder to see the woman acting like she was able to catch Beca if she fell.

"What the fuck are you doing, Amy?" Beca asked.

"Making sure you don't run off or try to stay at the bus"

The others chuckled at the Australians actions, but the chuckle died down when they got to the gate. It took a few minutes, but all the girl's paid for a ticket and made their way into the park.

"Okay! So first we should find a spot to put our things at!" Aubrey announced.

"This map tells me there's tables by the lazy river!" Cynthia-Rose said.

"To the river!" Amy pointed; leading the group past other attractions towards the lazy river.

"So which slide first?" Chloe asked Beca.

"I don't know, what are you going on?" Beca asked.

"I can't decide" Chloe sighed. "They all look like so much fun! You choose"

"For you?" Beca asked.

"Well you're going to be going on the slide too" Chloe chuckled.

"No I'm not" Beca said.

"What?"  Chloe asked.

"I told you guys" Beca shrugged. "I don't do waterparks. Never really have"

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