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"This is so pretty" Chloe was flipping through the magazine as they sat in the airport; waiting for their flight.

Both had gotten changed back into their comfy clothes for the long flight to New York. They had gone through security, baggage, all of that and now they were just waiting to board their plane.

"What is?" Beca asked.

"This necklace" Chloe sighed.

"You have a necklace. Plenty actually" Beca chuckled.

"You have a flannel. Plenty actually" Chloe shot back.

"Touche" Beca shrugged and returned to her phone.

"Maybe one day I'll have it" Chloe said softly before flipping to the next page.

"I bet you will, Chlo" Beca replied.

"Fifteen minutes to boarding the plane to Albany, New York" The speaker spoke into the busy airport.

"You ready?" Beca asked as she got up.

"Yeah," Chloe nodded as she shut the magazine; putting it in her backpack before getting up herself. "Want to hold my hand?" She asked knowing Beca's anxiety could spike at any moment.

Beca hated airplanes. She has made that clear to Chloe the past couple days. But, a big thing was anywhere that had a lot of people. It was the holidays, so of course the airport was extremely busy. Even with the flight at midnight.

"Yeah" Beca just nodded as she felt Chloe tangle their hands together before walking with the crowd towards their gate.

"So, we get to Albany and then my Dad is picking us up to drive us to the cabin up in Lake Placid" Chloe explained again; knowing Beca liked to hear plans.

"Sounds good" Beca nodded; feeling herself be pulled towards the line to their gate with Chloe.

They got in the line with people quickly forming behind them. They were a bit up front in line, but not first. Chloe let go of Beca's hand to wrap an arm around her waist; holding her protectively against her.

Beca pulled out her phone to be distracted by it as she waited. Her head rested on Chloe's shoulder with Chloe's chin resting on her head. She felt Chloe's hand slowly start to rub up and down on her waist; keeping her calm.

"There's this hill by the cabin which we go sledding and tubing down. I'm so going to beat you racing down it" Chloe said to Beca causing Beca to snicker.

"I'm only going sledding for you" Beca said.

"What? You don't like sledding?" Chloe asked.

"Never really have gone much" Beca shrugged as she lifted her head back up to look at Chloe. "I did as a little kid, but then I moved to California for my late childhood years, early teenage years until I moved here because my dad got the job at Barden"

"You lived in California?" Chloe asked a bit shocked that she was never told this.

"Yeah, with my mom. Before she ran off to Canada" Beca rolled her eyes. "I loved it. I was in a few bands during that time and life was just good" Beca said.

"Do you ever plan on moving back?" Chloe asked.

"One day I would love to live in California again. I think that's where my sister is right now"

"You think?"

"Yeah, I haven't talked to her since last Christmas. I think she's avoiding talking at all because of the fight"

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