Buss Buddies.

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"Does the feeling at this practice seem easier then the last few we've had?" Jessica asked.

"It has" Ashley nodded.

"Chloe and Beca are talking again, that's why" Amy smirked.

"That can't be it" Jessica said.

"Think about it! They were not even glancing at one another these last few rehearsals and now look at them," Amy gestured to the two in the corner; smiling while talking with one another. "Back to the way they have been"

"Aubrey and Chloe are captains though. How can Chloe and Beca disturb how it goes?" Jessica asked.

"We all live together. One can affect all" Cynthia-Rose stood up from tying her sneakers.

"Well, it's just good to see those two acting normal again" Ashley said.

"How long till you think they're in bed together?" Cynthia-Rose asked.

"Oh give a month" Jessica said.

"Not even" Amy chuckled.

"I once killed my ex girlfriend in our bed" Lily said.

"What?" Jessica asked.

"You're gay?!" Amy asked.

"Bi" Lily shrugged before walking away.

"I would never get that vibe off of her" Cynthia-Rose said.

"Are we just ignoring the killing part or?" Jessica asked causing Ashley to chuckle.

"Alright, ladies! Break is over, let us get back to rehearsing!" Aubrey clapped her hands together.


"Amy, did you really have to pack your blender?" Beca sighed; seeing Amy shoving the blender in her suitcase.

"What? You never know what we might need it for" The Australian shrugged.

"You're so weird" Beca commented.

"Says the one packing a book" Amy said.

Beca went to reply, but froze for a second before speaking. "Amy, people do that"

"Do what?"

"Pack books-"

"Weirdos do"

"Weirdos do what?" Chloe asked as she walked into their bedroom.

"Pack books" Amy said.

"But weirdos don't pack blenders? I'm so confused" Beca said.

"I'm not a weirdo" Amy said.

"You're right, Chloe is the biggest weirdo here" Beca smirked.

"Hey!" Chloe playfully hit Beca's arm as she sat down on the bed; next to Beca's suitcase. "I'm so not a weirdo"

"Mhm, and I'm straight" Beca said causing Amy to snicker.

"We can all tell lies" Amy said in a fake British accent. Beca snickered at the bad fake accent.

"Whatever" Chloe rolled her eyes. "So, you going to be my seat buddy?" She returned her eyes to Beca.

"Seat buddy?" Beca asked.

"Yeah! You sit next to me on our trip"

"Thought you would sit with Aubrey?"

"She's sitting with Stacie" Chloe said. "And, no offense to anyone else in the room. But, I really want to sit with you" Chloe reached her hand out to hold Beca's for a second.

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