Meet Me in the Hallway.

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The title of this chapter is a song by Harry Styles. I recommend it lol.

Beca was using her suitcase as a pillow; laying down on the hallway floor outside of Chloe's hotel door. She knew sometimes she took her stubbornness a bit too far, this was definitely one of those moments.

She only got a few hours of sleep due to the uncomfortable setting she was in. Most of the time she silently cried into her bag; not wanting to let anyone hear her. Her back felt strained as her whole body felt stiff. She was laying on her side; playing with the zipper of her suitcase.

The elevator dinged and footsteps were heard. Beca hoped it was a worker and she would be kicked out somehow. Or maybe it was some mass murderer to kill her. But, instead it was someone much worse.

"Beca?" Aubrey asked.

"What?" Beca asked.

"Why are you in the hallway?"

"Why are you?" Beca asked.

"Making my rounds to make sure all The Bella's are up. Your turn" Aubrey crossed her arms.

"Chloe told me to sleep in the hallway. I took is seriously" Beca replied.

"For fucks sake.." Aubrey muttered before knocking on the hotel door. "Chloe! Come on! Breakfast and then rehearsal!"

Beca groaned at the idea of rehearsal. Her entire body was either cramped up, in pain, or stiff. She slowly moved to rest on her back; stretching it out slowly. A sigh escaped from Aubrey's lips; annoyed and frustrated by Beca's groan.

"You better be good by competition" Aubrey said.

"I'm fine" Beca lied and the hotel door opened.

"Morning!" Chloe smiled seeing Aubrey. But, Aubrey looked annoyed and frustrated. "What's wr-" She then looked down to her right to see Beca slowly getting up. "Oh no.."

"Oh, yes" Aubrey nodded.

"Okay can you two stop being cryptic and one of you help me here?!" Beca asked.

Chloe quickly cut Aubrey off in her path to grab onto Beca's arms; helping her up to her feet. She stumbled a bit, but Chloe held her tightly to keep her stance straight.

"Thanks.." Beca mumbled; feeling pain throughout her body.

"What, how, how did this even happen?" Aubrey asked.

"I didn't think she would literally sleep out here.." Chloe whispered.

"Well she did and now she can't perfor-"

"I can" Beca cut off as she leaned against the wall. "I'll be fine" She added.

"No, you won't" Both girls said in unison.

"I suffered many of your Bella's practices. I'm performing today" Beca said.

"Morning ladies" Justin smiled. "Bec-"

"Fuck off" Beca said before reaching down to grab her bag with another groan.

"Oh my god" Aubrey said and grabbed the bag for her; not wanting Beca to strain any other part of her body.

"Thank you" Beca said.

"Alright, breakfast and then we have a room to rehearse in" Aubrey said.

"I'll meet you downstairs in a bit, babe" Justin said to Chloe causing an eyeroll from Beca as she started to walk towards the elevator.

"Alright" Chloe said and began to follow Aubrey and Beca to the elevator.

They all walked into the elevator and Beca instantly leaned against the wall. Aubrey stood in the middle of both girls. All three of them could feel the tension in the air because of Beca and Chloe nearly at each other's throats.

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