No Response.

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"It's a Barden Bella!" Jesse grinned from behind the coffee shop counter as Beca entered.

"Shut up" Beca rolled her eyes.

"You want the usual?" He chuckled as he knew he succeeded in annoying Beca already.

"Please" Beca said as she pulled her wallet out to pay him.

"So, what's going on in the world of Beca?" He asked.

"Bella's practices left and right" Beca sighed. "Amy loves it though. Never seen her so happy"

"Not even on free all you can eat barbecue day?" Jesse asked.

"She's happier then that day" Beca confirmed.

"Holy shit, didn't think that was possible" He laughed.

"Can I ask you something?" Beca asked.

"Shoot" He said.

"I tried the emailing thing. We emailed a few times, but I haven't gotten a reply in a month" Beca explained. "What does that usually mean?"

"Huh, I don't know. Hasn't happened to me before" He said as he put the iced coffee down on the counter and took Beca's money. "Don't overthink it"

"I don't have time to with all the practices Aubrey schedules" Beca sighed. "I don't know. Just weird" She added. "Anyway, how's the magic situation going with Benji?"

"He tried to make my soup disappear the other day. I gotta talk to him. He's a great roommate, but I can't take the magic all the time" He said.

"Understandable" Beca nodded as she took a sip from the coffee and moved to the left side of the counter so the line could keep moving.

"Hey, how can I help you?" Jesse asked the next customer.

Beca tuned out from that point onto her phone. She went to the Bella's group chat to catch up on what everyone was texting about. Amy was trying to get everyone to agree to go to some new restaurant tonight for dinner.

Bella's Group Chat

Amy: Come on guys! It's Mexican food. We all should go.

Stacie: I'll be down to go if Aubrey is.

Cynthia-Rose: I'm down! I love Mexican food.

Chloe: I'll go. Trying new food sounds fun.

Aubrey: I'm going. So I guess me and Stacie are in.

Jessica: I'm with Ashley. She says she's in so we are going too.

Lily: I once killed a Mexican guy

Cynthia-Rose: ..Beca? Please text something before Lily continues

Beca: I'm not a fan of Mexican food. I'm gonna hang out back at the house.

Amy: You sure?

Beca: Yeah, I am.

Chloe: Actually, I forgot. I have an essay due at midnight I still have to do. So I can't.

Aubrey: For what class?

Chloe: My mathematics one

Aubrey: You sure about that?

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