Summer Begins

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"Okay so, are you packed?" Chloe asked Beca.

Beca was sitting at her desk in their shared bedroom. An earbud stuffed in her right ear while the other was hanging so she could hear Chloe. Not that she was because the song currently playing was taking her attention away.

She had found an old hard drive in Chloe's end table. It was a bunch of covers Chloe recorded on her own through out the years. The woman had secretly been listening to it the last couple days.

Beca wasn't snooping around for it. She had accidently found it last week when she was looking for Chloe's reading glasses. Usually it wouldn't bother her having something she couldn't listen to. But, this time killed her. She just had to hear the covers.

Listening to Chloe's singing was something Beca never got sick of. It was probably the most beautiful voice she had heard in her life. It felt like an addiction to her on how much she could listen to her voice.

"Beca?" Chloe repeated and Beca quickly looked over.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Are you?"

"Are you what?"

"Listening to me at all?" Chloe placed her hands on her hips; taking a sigh of frustration.

"Uh," Beca stammered. "Yep"

"So are you?"

"Are you what?"

"Oh my god" Chloe groaned; throwing her head back.

"Bus is ready to go captain!" Amy yelled up the stairs.

"Thank you!" Chloe yelled back down before turning back to her girlfriend. "Are you packed?" She repeated.

"Yeah, yeah" Beca nodded. "You sure touring America is good? Will people want to see some college acapella group?"

"Yes! Trust me on this, please!" Chloe stressed.

"I do!"

"Beca, that's like the fiftiesh time you've questioned me on this"

"Because I've just never seen big crowds for acapella groups"

"Competition crowds are huge"

"Yeah, competition" Beca said. "Not just concerts"

"What makes you think that?" Chloe asked. "Are you only saying this so you don't have to tour with us?"

"Why wouldn't I want to?" Beca asked.

"I don't know, I'm just taking guesses" Chloe shrugged.

"Well, I do" Beca lied.

She didn't want to do this summer tour at all. Chloe was insisting it would gain them a better reputation in the scene and she really was looking forward to it. Beca agreed to it and faked being excited over it. But, she didn't plan on this being her summer at all.

Beca wanted to take Chloe to a few of her friends shows. She had friends in bands that toured and she hadn't seen some of them in a long time. Of course the woman would want to now. Especially having a woman like Chloe on her hip to show off to everyone.

Not to mention, they worked on The Bella's the whole school year. Summer was supposed to be a break from it all. A break for just them away from everyone.

She loved The Bella's, she really did. But living in a house full of Bella's makes alone time with Chloe a bit difficult. They had their moments alone. Especially since Amy had moved out of their bedroom to bunk with Lily. So, they did have their moments. But not as many as Beca would like.

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