Meeting The Parents.

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Beca and Chloe had been driving all day to her parents. It could have taken two and a half hours, but Chloe wanted to keep stopping at stores or little places she loved to see and wanted to show Beca.

It was now almost eight at night when the girls were only a few minutes away from Chloe's parent's home. Beca was starting to feel more nervous by the second with each turn they took.

"Are you sure your parents are okay with me coming?" Beca asked.

"Yes, I swear, Beca" Chloe said as she took a left turn onto the road her parents lived on. "They're going to be so happy to meet you"

"Hopefully" Beca sighed; feeling nervous that Chloe's parents would hate her.

"No hopefully, I know they will. You're you"

"Yeah, I'm an asshole" Beca chuckled.

"Well, not going to lie. You can be" Chloe smirked. "But, you're also really amazing to know. They'll be idiots if they don't like you"

"Bold words, Beale"

"Truth hurts, Mitchell" Chloe said as she pulled into the driveway to the house she grew up in.

"Chloe.." Beca said as she looked around.


"You said small house in the middle of no where"

"Yeah, it is-"

"You forgot to mention you lived on a fucking farm" Beca cursed seeing the barn houses around the back yard behind the house.

"Oh," Chloe said. "Was that important to mention?" She asked.

"Um, a little?" Beca asked.

"We- It's my mom! Come on!" Chloe cut off as she saw her mother walk out of the house. She turned the car off and quickly got out; rushing over to hug her mom.

Beca got out of the car; hearing the two gush over how much they missed each other. She shut the car door before going to the trunk to grab their bags.

"Is that her?!" Chloe's mom whispered.

"Yeah, she's probably getting our bags" Chloe said. "Beca!"

"Hang on!" Beca yelled back as she slung Chloe's duffle bag over her one shoulder. Her own duffle bag thrown over the other. She then grabbed the two smaller backpacks they brought in her hands. Somehow she managed to shut the trunk before walking over.

"Mom, this is Beca" Chloe smiled.

"Beca! It is so good to meet you!" Chloe's mom said and hugged her through the bags that Beca was holding.

"Nice to meet you too" Beca said.

"You can call me Diane" She said as she pulled away.

Diane was like an older looking version of Chloe. The same hair color, face features, the way she was so welcoming and her personality radiating just like Chloe's.

"Where's dad?" Chloe asked.

"He will be back tomorrow, he went to go with your uncle to hunt for the Turkey"

"People actually hunt?" Beca asked.

"Yeah, my Dad likes to for Thanksgiving mainly" Chloe answered; taking one of the duffle bags from Beca.

"I thought hunting for a Turkey was like a myth. My family own gets some cheap store bought one which my sister is convinced is never real" Beca laughed causing the other two to laugh.

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