Hold Me Close.

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This is one long fucking chapter lmao

"Where is your dad?" Beca asked as they walked out of the gate.

"Should be here somewhere" Chloe said as she looked around for her dad.

Richard was picking them up from the airport to bring them to the cabin. They had just gotten off of the plane and were walking into the clutter of people at the airport. Chloe was searching left and right, high and low for her father.

Beca was looking around as well. She saw all the people rushing to wherever they were going for the holidays. The woman wondered who was going where and who was seeing who. But then, Chloe grabbed her hand to pull her through the crowd.

"Dad!" Chloe yelled out.

"Chloe!" He smiled.

Chloe rushed over and let go of Beca to give him a hug. He returned it with a smile. The guy had on his winter clothing with a Santa hat which didn't fail Chloe to laugh about. Her dad was always the guy to be like this.

"Beca, how are you?" Richard asked.

"Good, thanks for having me again" Beca replied.

"Anytime!" He smiled.

"Love the hat, Dad" Chloe laughed.

"I was going to grow the white beard too, but your mom wanted me to shave it" He said.

"She's such a buzzkill sometimes" Chloe said with a laugh.

"Eh, she didn't want to be Mrs Clause I guess. Anyway, the car is in the parking garage. Let's get going" He said and lead the girl's to the parking garage.

Chloe and Richard were lost in conversation as Beca people watched around them. She began to wonder if Chloe would like her Christmas gift Beca got her or not. She wondered if Chloe would lie and say that she did like it. Or maybe she would just be honest and say she hated it.

At the same time, she knew Chloe wanted the necklace. She had been talking about it non stop for awhile. But her mind just kept over thinking if she would like it or not.

Beca was too busy people watching some older couple which looked like they were about to makeout by the baggage area that when she looked back, she didn't see Chloe or Richard in front of her. Abruptly she stopped and looked around to not see them anywhere.

"God dammit.." Beca muttered. She hated that her mind wandered so easily off into no man's land that now she was lost in the airport.

She pulled her phone out and unlocked it to see the home screen of her and Chloe. It was a mirror selfie that Chloe took. Beca was sitting on the sink facing Chloe. Chloe had her arm wrapped around Beca with her hand resting on Beca's ass. Her other hand resting against Beca's shoulder; using the phone to take a photo of them in the bathroom mirror.

The woman went to her messages to see Chloe's and her's already open. She began to text to tell her she was lost and that she was by the baggage area. But the moment she hit send, it told her sent failed and she had no service.

"Oh you got to be kidding me" Beca said to herself and began to walk around in search of the two.

She held onto her bag tightly and her phone in the other hand. Her eyes scanned the place as she searched for the redhead and a Santa hat. She sometimes glanced down at her phone to see if she had service, but none. Some medics ran quickly by her causing her to jump. Beca followed them with her eyes, but lost them down the hall in the midst of people.

She looked away and kept walking around as she tried to find service to let Chloe know where she was. But, this airport really sucked with their phone service. Beca ended up sitting down due to tiredness in some waiting area that was on the whole other side of the airport.

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