Two In The Morning.

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Small filler chapter before the next chapters start up. I was just going to time skip, but figured this was a good moment to have for Bloe. Enjoy.

Chloe sat on the kitchen floor in The Bella's House. A bottle of vodka in her hand as tears rolled down her cheeks. She had read Beca's emails over and over. Guilt was washing over her that she read them.

Beca didn't know it was Chloe she was emailing. Chloe knew one day she would have to tell her that. But, she didn't want to. She wasn't sure how Beca would react. Whether that was happy or mad at her. It would probably be the second.

The brunette was upstairs in her attic bedroom. She completely ignored Chloe when they got back. Chloe had asked her if she wanted to go get the pizza all The Bella's shared with one another, but she just gave her that hollow look before going upstairs to hide away.

The older woman hated that she was being ignored. It drove her absolutely insane. All she wanted was for Beca to at least look at her with a look that meant more then nothing. She couldn't even have that from her.

"Fuck it" Chloe mumbled as she took a swig from the bottle; before stumbling as she got up. She pushed herself up by the counter with one hand; the other holding the bottle and placing it on the counter. "Why did I drink?" She muttered as her head felt dizzy.

The woman left the bottle on the counter and walked towards the flight of stairs that would lead her up to Beca's room. Amy was out on date, so she knew Beca was by herself. She was probably sleeping, but Chloe didn't care. Beca was going to get an earful on how it was mean to ignore her.

Okay, sober Chloe knew it was her fault too. But, drunk Chloe didn't care to blame herself. She just was going to bitch Beca out for everything and demand they cuddled after.

She stumbled up the stairs and opened Beca's door to see her sitting at her desk. She was sipping from her coffee; watching some YouTube video Chloe couldn't recognize. But the brunette looked over once the door opened.

"Chloe?" Beca asked.

"Well look who remembers me!" Chloe yelled before stumbling more into the room; slamming the door behind her.


"Shut up and listen!" Chloe pointed her finger at Beca. "I am done with the silence between us. I need- want you back in my life again! You need to stop ignoring me!" Chloe said.

"Have you been drinking?" Beca asked; placing her coffee on her desk.

"N-Yes-o!" Chloe slurred together.

"That's a yes" Beca muttered and got up. "Come on, let's get you back to bed" She said and began to lead Chloe out of the room.

"No, I'm staying here" Chloe pulled Beca back.

"What? No-"

"We are staying here together" Chloe demanded.

"Chloe, I really don't want to talk to you and-"

"Why?! Why don't you?!" She asked.

"Because you're dating someone-"

"Why would that prevent you from me?"

"Nothing you would get" Beca mumbled. "Now get out-"



"I'm not leaving"

"Just go-"


"Because I want to go to fucking bed, that's why"

Emails Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora