Lining It Up

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All the Barden Bella's had arrived back home to support Beca. Chloe had messaged them all seeing if they could be back early. Even if Beca didn't admit it, Chloe knew she would be greatful they were there. Plus some of The Trebles were coming over for pizza as well.

"Beca is on her way back with her mom!" Chloe announced to the ladies. "Everyone, especially Amy and Lily, be on your best behavior! We want to make the most amazing impression we can!" Chloe yelled.

"Wait, why us?" Amy asked; gesturing to her and Lily.

"Well, Amy, as much as we love your sex jokes! We do, her mom doesn't need to hear that" Chloe explained. "And Lily, just, don't mention the time you killed someone's mom please"

"I thought we ignored that" Aubrey said.

"Me too.." Lily said.

The living room fell silent before Chloe turned to look at Jessica and Ashley.

"Okay, and maybe you two can speak up?" Chloe asked.

"Is she talking to us?" Jessica asked.

"Yes Ashley"

"I'm Jessica" Jessica corrected.

"I thought I was" Ashley said.

"Oh my god.." Aubrey muttered.

"Anyway!" Chloe clapped and turned to face the girls. "Where's Dylan? Is she back yet?"

"Uh, no. I saw her sitting on the bench by the lake across the street" Amy explained.

"That was oddly descriptive" Stacie commented. "Like someone is reading some story and the location has to be described"

"I really wish Beca would get here already" Aubrey muttered.

"Someone go get her please!" Chloe yelled out.

"On it!" Amy said; rushing out to get her.

A bit after, Stacie and Aubrey were the only two in the living room with Chloe. Chloe was pacing around as the other two sat on the couch. The TV played softly in the background; filling up the silence.

"Chloe, take a deep breath. Why are you so nervous?" Aubrey asked.

"Because it's her mom. I never thought I would meet Beca's mom in these circumstances and just, it has to be perfect"

"You know she's going to like you right?" Stacie asked.

Chloe was silent.

"Chlo" Aubrey sighed. "I know meeting the parents is always scary. But, you've done this before and they always love you!" She pointed out.

"But not like this"

"Because of the death?"

"No, because I'm really, really, in love with her.." Chloe confessed. "Like I thought at first it was just like this love that I usually get in you know? Everything's great, and I'm just kinda living in the moment. But now, I'm seeing a future with her. And future involves knowing her family" She rambled. "I really don't want to mess this up" She added.

"And you won't" Aubrey gave a soft smile.

She had never seen Chloe like this. Sure, she had seen the woman nervous. But this was on a whole different level of nervousness. A level that was having her pace around and overthink everything that was happening.

"You really that in love with her?" Stacie asked.

"Well, you know how I always believed in soulmates but never found mine?" She asked.

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