Breakfast Tension

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Beca knew what she saw was completely accidental. Chloe had left her laptop on the counter with the chat messages open. The brunette had caught glimpse of her name and of course that sparked a curiosity in her. She couldn't help but read what it said after seeing it.

Chloe: I know, I know.
              I just never thought I would be with someone like Beca. She's so not what I was ever looking for or imagining in life.

Aubrey: Well, sometimes we all don't get to follow life plans. But, what do you mean?

Chloe: I mean that she isn't what I ever wanted. She's so opposite. I thought I would be with someone who's outgoing like willing to go to parties or someone who loves movies for instance. I'm not saying I'm not happy, I am. I just, I never thought this would be who I would fall for.

Beca stopped reading at that message being it was the last to see. Her heart dropped and her stomach twisted. Even when the logical side of her understood what Chloe meant. The words still stung.

Beca had felt the same in the beginning. She never even thought she would fall in love. So when she did finally fall in love, she wondered how on earth it ended up being with someone like Chloe.

Chloe was so opposite to Beca. She was bubbly, outgoing, and such a positive person. Her outlook on life was so happy which wasn't a bad thing. It was just the type of person Beca could never stand. The type that made Beca's mind cringe and her eyes roll.

But somehow, Chloe had worked her way into the younger woman's heart. Even with all the things that usually made Beca tick, Chloe curves that. And Beca couldn't fathom how she did at all.

But, the words that Chloe had sent still twisted her stomach up. It made her heartstrings still pull too. Even if she understood, she felt guilty. She felt like she had failed as a girlfriend to Chloe more then words could explain.

"Beca, have you seen my laptop?" Chloe called down the hall.

Beca walked over to the fridge; as if it she was opening it to hide away.

"In here on the counter!" She replied.

"Ugh, thank you. I'm losing everything, I swear" Chloe chuckled as she walked into the kitchen.


Silverware clinked as the morning news played in the background. The sounds of the kitchen cooking food flowed in and out as the door swung open and shut. Chatter was to a minimum as not many people were in the diner that morning.

The Bella's that usually sat at one table were scattered at different tables. Lily and Cynthia-Rose at one, Jessica and Ashley at another. The biggest thing though was where the others were sat. Chloe was with Stacie and Aubrey, Beca was with Amy.

Chloe and Beca hadn't even shared a good morning since Aubrey woke everyone up. The brunette was extremely hung over; so the attitude wasn't good to deal with. The only one who usually could was Chloe. But, Chloe had gone straight into the diner without a good morning to her.

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