2- Friends

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After class

"I can't believe that Minho something rejected you" Hyunjin scoffed in disbelief.

"Yesh he'sh sho mean to our beshtie Aira" Jeongin pouted and started clinging onto me like a koala. So cute. He's always cute.

"Hyunjin, Jeongin, it's fine. I don't mind people like him. He's just a transferee from our school" I tried to tell them what I really feel. Probably that is 100% true.

"It's a disturbance to us Aira. We won't just let it slide like that. Your nice then he's cold? What's his problem?!" Hyunjin burst out his rage mode and began to growl like a monster.

I chuckled then playfully hugged and pinched his cheek, "You're such a cutie. Don't worry I'm fine"

"What about me?" Jeongin pouted, pointed his lips and did his puppy eyes. Arghhh he's so cuteee.

I wrapped my other arm around him now I'm clinging on to them, "You guys are so cute. Glad that we met you know" They let out a giggled and began to hugged me back too.

These guys were so sweet. Like I'm having more cavities :-D

"Let's eat" I said as we unpacked our lunches and eat quietly.

"Wow... Look at that boy, he's so lonely. No wonder because he's so cold to everyone" Jeongin began to mock him whilst scooping his food inside his mouth.

"Yah Jeongin!" I smacked his head and he winced in pain. "Don't be so rude towards the others" I warned him since he is getting out of hand.

"Fine I'm sorry" He apologized and rubbed his head back and forth. "Did I hit it too hard?" I anxiously asked, maybe I smack it too hard I think?

"Nope, I deserved it anyways" He said with a cute smile on his face. "Glad you learn your lesson cutie" I hugged him since we're sitting side by side like a pillow who I really want to squish. He just chuckled.

Minho's POV

Damn it, I'm such a loner. The girl who I asked for the directions seemed so happy. I wish I can be happy like them but can't.

"Hey" A stranger approached his way to me with a smile.

"Who are you?" I coldly asked.

"I'm Seo Changbin and don't be rude, let's be friends" He offered me a handshake and this reminded me the girl who gestured herself for a handshake but I rejected her.

I shook his hand, "I'm Lee Minho or you can call me 'Lee Know' "

"Nice name dude" He said with a smile.

"Yeah..." I said with an emotionless expression.

"Changbin!" Another high pitched voice is coming this way and woah... Not surprised but he looks like an Australian person. "Oh... Hi I'm Christopher Bang but you can call me Bang Chan" He introduced himself politely and bowed.

"I prefer calling you Chan, my name is Lee Minho, prefer calling me Lee Know" I boredly said and kinda shook by my attitude.

Pretty am not surprised.

"Don't mind him Chan, let's eat" Changbin patted a seat and sat beside him.

"Lee Know, I heard rumors that you're always cold to everyone" Chan said whilst munching his food down.

"So? What's wrong of being cold? I'm being true to myself" I carelessly said and just shrugged off.

"Well ok then" Chan slid it off, not wanting him to say more harshful words before he was going to overboard.

"What makes you so cold? I know that you're not like this right?" Changbin asked with a curiosity expression, plastered on his face.

"Don't act like we're close yet but there's something that you shouldn't know. And please don't ask that question again" I sternly said and the both of them went quiet.

"What's your next class?" Chan asked as he looked at me straightly in the eyes.

"Science class" I plainly said.

"Good, we're off the three of us go" Changbin said as he pulled my arm to follow them where he will lead me to our perspective subject.

Cold Boy In Love // Stray Kids Lee MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now