26- Wants Her Back

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Minho?! Is he the one who wrote the letter? What does he wants now..

He took steps towards me and stopped infront of me, "Hyung... I'm sorry" He kneeled down on the ground, asking for a forgivenesss from me and his voice was shaking, at the same to trembling.

Just what did I saw?

Minho's POV

"I regretted.. being with Heeyoung for the second time. I fell for her nasty trick as she was just using me to fuck herself and yet I lose all my love to her and just carelessly broke her up- no she's the one who broke up with me that's the reason why I cheated. After all these three months, I still love her, until today and right now. You may not able to believe me that I do but first, I apologize for answering you last time like a dumb person and I wish we can still be friends- no it's ok that we can't be friends anymore, all I need is- Minho.. I already forgive you" As I was explaining what I feel last time, I burst into tears and let my heart cried out, Chan cut me as he kneeled down then pulled me in his embrace, saying that he has forgiven me right now.

"I was just waiting for the moment that you'll regret dating her instead of Aira" He gently patted my back as I sobbed harder, regretting the things I've done to him and her.

"Chan! Min.. oh" Changbin just appeared out of nowhere and looked at us with his flustered look.

"Changbin... I'm sorry" I bowed at him as an apology from me from being such an idiot and suddenly pulled into a tight hug.

"Aigoo, okok we're still friends" He severally patted my back to relieve my worried from being rejected and now everything went back to normal.. just like old times from the day I met them.

"Now.. Minho, you want her back don't you?" Chan asked me a sudden question about her and how would I answer this guy.. I mean, I was speechless and am in a deep thought to think ways on how will I answer this...

"I.. I haven't think about it, if I would maybe.. she doesn't want me back" I was sure that the things I did to her was unforgivable and I regretted it but..I don't think she can hear me out now. Either trust me from my explaination thinking that I was lying or going to use her heart again and there's no chance that she'll talk to me again.. I brought everything down to the ground and now we're done.

"Min.. after all these 3 months.. she's still waiting. Crying and mourning everyday that she broke you up and haven't still move on with you yet. And now.. she's hanging out with Jisung all day so, we don't know about her for now" Changbin said as he is saying in a sadden tone and it makes me wanted to cry that I heard him saying she's hanging out with Jisung since I'm dating Heeyoung. I still love her but the brat just brainwashed me and after she did that, the problem of Aira and I got worsen. Maybe they're dating now after I moved on from her but still every pieces of our memories were still inside of my head but most especially in my heart. Maybe that explained last time from the trip that he kissed her and confessed his feelings to her and after we broke up she accepted him as her boyfriend.

"Just leave them be.. I don't want to know either, not because I'm jealous or what but I just don't want to know everything about her like a stalker. If they're finally dating, I'm so happy about her. I just want her happiness than mine that someone who is willing to show his love to her than me. I understand that maybe she doesn't want to be with me anymore and neither do I" I accepted them being together if they're really dating now, it hurts like hell but there's nothing I can do with it since it's my fault that she broke up with me and find another boyfriend who is more better than me but it's hard to accept the reality from this world and what more that I can do for her to make her believe that I'd still love her? Nothing.

"So you're giving up on her?" Chan asked as he was astonished by my answer, he really wants us to be together again huh..

"If they are dating right now, yes. But if they're not, I don't know" I just don't really know what to do if she's single. Part of me says that I should give up on her while the other one says don't. Now I don't freaking know how to make choices like these..

Chan slowly pulled me a gentle hug and I don't know why.

"Min just take note of this... Don't ever give up on her if you're not willing to let go of her. I know it's not easy but do everything for her that will love you back since you love her at the first place. No matter what happens, don't give up too easily just because she doesn't love you anymore. Chances is already there and you just need to grab the opportunity today and now ok?" He reminded me of something that I should just to give up easily and it made my courage increased after someone persuaded me in the right way.

"Thanks hyung and you too Binnie" I hugged Chan back and now it's the time to shine that I will take her back since I really love her from the start.

The one who's different from the other girls always catch my heart to attract with and that's her, Lee Aira.

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