7- Café

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After we finished our project, this day I saw him and was about to say 'hi' but he straightly passed through me like there's no existence of me in his sight.

How cruel of him.

"Aira!" Jeongin ran to me and gave me a surprised hug.

"Jeongin" I hugged him back, "There's something I would like to tell you, come here" I led him to a quiet place and it's just the both of us in the place.

I told everything like every details about what happened on Saturday and he gave me a dumb look then denied the things he did to me.

"I don't believe it... That Ice Prince hugged you just because he's tired? So unbelievable" He can't accept the fact of what I said to him.

"Ikr but tbh he's kinda warm" I frankly admitted and he was shook.

"WHAT! Don't fall for that cold boy! Who knows what he'll do to you next?" He rolled his eyes and sulky crossed his arms.

"I'm not falling for him. I won't" I raised my right hand as a promise that I won't fall for him.

"You better be. Let's goo Aira" He changed his mood and grabbed my hand about went to our rooms for the class.


"Guys classes end" The cutie squirrel Jisung said as he proudly said it.

"Yeah the professors were having their meeting today, so no classes for afternoon" Chan said as he ate his sandwich.

"Where do you want to go?" Hyunjin asked.

"Let's go to our favorite café. I miss it so much" I suggested as I held my hands together, dreaming those delicious foods in that place.

"Good idea, we're off to go" Changbin said as he stood up and we followed his lead.


"I'm going to order, brb" Felix said as he lined in behind those people.

"I'm going to buy something, come with me Binnie" Chan said as they stood up and left this place.

"Me going to the restroom" Hyunjin excused himself and walked away.

"Me too! Waittt!!!" Jeongin also ran to Hyunjin, wanted also to go to the restroom.

"My mom is calling me, just a moment" Jisung also went out and answered the call from his mother.

Now it's me and the Ice Prince left.

Awkward Silence lingered between the atmosphere and I tried to break it.

"Hey" I said to him softly.

He looked at me but only took a glance to me. Then after a second he averted his gaze.

"Minho, hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face and he pushed it down, was annoyed by me.

"Aira, bye" He said coldly and went quiet.

"Minho... Are you ok?" I anxiously asked him, probably dark aura surrounded him if I have my third eye but I can feel it.

Why did I ask if he's ok..... Dumb me.

"Am I ok to you?" He diverted his gaze to me but gave me a straight, eye widened look, sending a sharp look to me.

"Nevermind" I muttered. Don't want to bothered him anyways.

"I'm just going to get some fresh air, excuse me" I stood up and leave him alone on the table and I went out.

Outside it's so refreshing~

"Hey you!" A group of girls came toward me, got some nasty attitude with them and the jealousy looks on their faces. Probably theyre the bullies in the school.

The leader of their group, Shin Ara grabbed my collar of my shirt, "You better back off to Hwang Hyunjin or else- or else what?" I talked back to her. She's not messing with me like a bitch like her.

"Dare to talk back?!" She slapped me on the face and the other members laughed at me, watching me tortured by her.

"What if I did?" I cupped my cheek and I don't care being hit by a stupid thing like her and her gang.

"Fuck you!" She was about to raise her hand and going to slap me but someone stood in my way.


He got hit by a girl to protect me from them??

"Ooh the prince charming is going to save his little princess" Ara said it sarcastically.

"Want this?" Minho asked as he held the recorder of me being slapped by her. She has a terrified look and her anger burst out.

"Why you little shi- want me to report this to the professor about your childish attitude? Just because you like Hyunjin it doesn't mean you have the right to force her to stay away from him. You do not own him and no one is someone's else property. Get that? Now... Don't bother Aira again or else I'm going to exposed all of you. I'm just a transferee but I know more details than any of you. Leave in 5 seconds or expelled this? 5...4..." Minho warned them and taught those shits some lessons and they began to run away as he count off to 5.

Why did he save me anyways? I don't care being killed by them you know.

I thought he didn't care about me.

"Why did you do that?" I softly asked, feeling curious.

"Want me to put your life in those bitches?! Do you even think I like that? I don't care if you're strong or what but it's too dangerous!" He yelled at me and his anger were over than his height. I didn't expect him to say that.

"I know..." I muttered, feeling guilty what I have done.

He leaned in and gave me a hug again.

"I just want to protect you... That's all" He softly whispered to me. It sends me shiver down to my spine hearing his normal sweet voice than a cold rock one.

"Let's go back. The others might be there now" He let me go and he went back inside on his own, I shook my head to get to my senses and quickly followed him inside.

Why do I feel like I'm falling for him?

Cold Boy In Love // Stray Kids Lee MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now