5- Someone New

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"Aira!" Jeongin ran to me then gave me a warm hug. He then looked Felix, giving a confused look. "Is that your boyfriend?" He confusedly asked, I smacked his head. "Oww" He rubbed his head and winced in pain.

"Idiot! It's my cousin, Lee Felix" I stated him the truth.

"Ohh" He made an 'o' shape mouth. "I'm Yang Jeongin, Aira's best friend" He bowed at him and offered a handshake. They shook hands.

"Aira... Who's that guy?" Hyunjin appeared infront of us then pointed Felix in confusion.

"This is my cousin, Felix and Lix..." I looked at him, "This is Hwang Hyunjin" I introduced them to each other. They bowed politely with greetings and uh oh... It becomes so awkward.

Awkward Silence...

"Let's go the our class guys" I tried to break this silence and led them to our room.

This Minho guy again...

"Aira" Someone called my name in a cold tone and ofc it's him... Freaking Minho.

"Yes?" I tried to be calm.

"Take this, I already planned for our project" He threw at me his notebook and it was filled with many choices and suggestions inside his book.

Didn't knew he's also clever like me.

"Oh thank you" I bowed at him in gratitude and he just rolled his eyes then simply passed through me.

This devilll.

"Rara, I think I knew him now" Felix said nervously.

"Glad you know" I crossed my arms and thought about his actions he had done to me. It makes me want to rip him off.


Class dismissed, I went to my locker alone since the others were at the cafeteria. I accidentally dropped my book and was going to get it but there was a hand above my book and motioned itself upward. I followed the trail of the hand and it was a guy who looked like a squirrel.

"O-oh, thank you" I grabbed the book and realized that I stuttered.

He chuckled, "I'm Han Jisung" He bowed at me courteously.

"I'm Lee Aira" I bowed at him too.

"JISUNG!!!" Someone called his name and he flinched a bit. "I'm going somewhere but it's nice to meet you Aira" He bid goodbye at me and hurriedly went to his friends.

He's kinda cute also you know.


"I met the guy named Han Jisung and he looked like a cute squirrel" I cheekily said whilst the others gave me a bored look.

"You like him?" Hyunjin suspiciously asked.

"Nope, just find him cute" I frankly said.

"Maybe the two of you will end up being together in the end" Felix made a derp face and I nudged his shoulders. "You're such a tease Lix, so mean~" I pouted, crossed my arms together and averted my way away from him. He just chuckled.

Minho's POV

"JISUNG!!!" Chan called unknown person who is talking to Aira.

"Yah! You like her don't you?" Changbin asked him with a sneaky smile.

Should I join them? I mean I don't even know this guy.

The boy who looks like a squirrel nodded and everyone began to tease him and his face went cherry red.

He looked into my direction, titled his head in confusion. "Who is this guy?" He asked the others.

"It's Lee Know and Lee Know this is Han Jisung. He looks like a homeless squirrel" Changbin laughed harder as Jisung attacked him by tickling him. "That's what you get for teasing me, bro" He giggled.


"So Lee Know... Why are you so quiet?" Jisung asked as he munched down his food.

I ignored his question and continuously eating my food. It's not like I care about my attitude or what.

"That was rude" He muttered in disbelief.

"Glad you know" I talked back.

"Forgive me Jisung because this is really him" Chan pleaded for an apology.

"I don't mind, people are different right?" He let out a small upward curve on his face.

Wow... Someone is open-minded.

"Lee Know, do you like Aira?" Changbin asked me and Chan flicked his forehead with his fingers. "Oww" He winced in pain and rubbed it back and forth. "He's having his own time Binnie, just ask him other times" Chan reminded him and Changbin nodded that he got it.

"If you ask me that question again, I'll tell you all that I don't like her neither want to be with her" I sternly and shocked expressions were written on their faces.

"Oh... Ok" Chan was speechless and that's the only words he can say.


Happy Birthday to Kim Taehyung!! ^_^ <3 Love him very much! (^^)

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