29- Ask Her

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Felix's POV

I was walking at the park as I saw someone looks like a boy, crying at the bench and I approached him to see what he's been crying about..

He covered his face with his palms and I bent down with my knee on the ground, asked him, "What's wrong?" I didn't know who the person is but it felt like I knew him and is really familiar.

He glanced up and- Lee Know?! Since when did I just saw him cry?

"Lee Know? W-what happened?" I panicked to help him and sat beside him, pulling him in my embrace.

We already made up and Aira doesn't know about it.

"She.. she loves Jisung" He sobbed even more and feels like there's nothing I can do between them. I don't want to believe that she loves Jisung instead of him since she always talks about Minho..

Tears can't stop rolling down on his face and I felt bad for him that he truly loves her but still can't be sure of it.

"How did you know?" I asked as him as he was still mourning on my shoulders.

"I-i o-overheard it" He can't stop crying about her and comforted him for now since it's getting evening but I don't care about the time but I care about the person who's infront of me right now.


He calmed down from 20 minutes of crying and much like he stopped his tears from falling but still not ok.

"Should I let her go?" He asked and I immediately turned my face on him, with his sudden question, it makes me realized that he almost have given up on her.

"Yah no ofc! You have to win her heart to be you- But letting her go is the way for me from getting hurt. Feels like my hopes are down right now and maybe I should give up on her and move on with someone else" He cut me with his sad explaination and it also affects me with his words.

I also experienced those things and I can relate it to him.

"If you let her go.. you won't find any girl that has the same personality and beauty like her. She's so different than the other girls not like a petty thing but has also a strong heart inside her soul. Minho.. I'm sure she always assume that you don't love her back even though she loves you but.. I think you two have to talk as soon as possible" I gave him advice and he carefully listened to me and things will get more worse if they didn't knew about each other's feelings. It's better for them to talk for the time being than staying like this until the end of their days. I knew they still love each other but can't just show it in reality since maybe they were getting the wrong ideas.

"I bet she will never believe me what I said. You knew that I'm a playboy right? Maybe I'll never going to find a right girl but she's the only one who I kept thinking over and over again. In other words she's so special to me and the one who change my world from upside down. She's the one who brighten up my mood and not like those of my exes could do it. She's different and being different means she's so special to me" He told with all of his heart, crying out for her to come back to him. Didn't knew that he has a side of this but he truly loves her right now.

"You know let's get you home, I'll drive you and I'll ask her a question once I get to home ok?" I stood up with him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and we drove off to his house.


Home sweet home. I'm getting tired lately. I entered the house and saw that Aira is watching TV at the living room.

Does she have studies to work out?

"Aira~" I called her and she turned her gaze on my way with a wide smile on her face.

"Lix!" She ran and gave me a welcome hug.

"Don't you have studies?" I asked as she let go of me and she shook her head as no.

"Ok let me prepare dinner" I went to the kitchen going to cook food for our dinner tonight.


"Dinner's ready!" I alarmed her that we are going to eat right now and she came at the dining table and took a seat, sitting across from each other.

"Aira, do you like Jisung?" I asked her a sudden question, probably I wanted to know the truth.

She almost choked on her food, "Ofc" She straightly answered without hesitation.

"What about Minho?" I was curious about him but can't believe she likes Jisung.

She sighed as she doesn't want me to mentioned his name, "It's hard. I still love him but.. I think he doesn't love me back if he knew about this"

"Do you want to talk with him?" I asked that maybe they'll settle the things down by talking to each other.

"I want to but.. maybe he'll reject my touch when I do" She said followed by a devastated face and it's hard for them to put their trusts back.

"Ohh ok" I said shortly and I didn't even know what to say right now.

How I wish they'll be together again..

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