Why I've stopped updating regularly

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So, I felt it was time for me to write about this. I haven't been updating regularly for a long time and I've kept you guys in the dark about it. So here is my explanation, because you deserve one.

I started publishing this story, because I was proud of it. I liked writing it and I had a lot of ideas. Lately, and when I say that I mean for the past months, I haven't been proud of it anymore. 'The bad boy cares?' is very, and I mean very, cliché. There are a lot of mistakes in it and it's not what I wanted it to be. There are a few things I wrote, because I thought that people would like it. That's not why I want to write, that's not why I started writing in the first place. One of the things I learned from my good friend Bibliophile005 on here, is that you shouldn't write for others, but for yourself and that it's okay to take a break from everything. I'm not proud of the things I wrote anymore and before anyone says 'that I just want attention' and 'that I'm asking for compliments', that's not the case at all! I want to write something I can be proud of and I don't want to put anything I'm not happy with out there anymore. And please just keep all your hate comments to yourself, I'm honestly not in the mood to hear it anymore. Don't worry, I know there are a lot of mistakes in this story and I know that it's cliché.

Of course there's more to the story. Let's talk mental health. Just like a lot of people, I have to deal with this too and this has been one of the biggest reasons that I don't update regularly anymore. I've been busy trying to get help and unfortunately this takes a really long time. Please believe me when I say that I've tried to continue writing, because I really have. Sometimes it just doesn't work the way you want to and that's okay.

Lastly, I've been really busy with school the past few months (except for summer vacation of course). I'm in my senior year and I really need to get good grades. Out of school I play a sport and I also have a social life outside of Wattpad.

You guys are extremely important to me and I don't want you to ever doubt that. You've given me a new kind of confidence, that I didn't think was possible. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. If you don't feel great or have other issues, please don't be afraid to get help. Because if I can ask for help, so can you. I believe in you and I love you.

I hope this clarifies some of the questions you might have. Normally I would tell you when the next update is going to come, but from now on I won't anymore.

Love, Dani :)

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