7 | Useless Fag

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Kim Seungmin

A week have passed and my parents are going back home. I wasn't really looking forwards to this day. I prefer the days that I stay at Hyunjin's house. Those days were the most peaceful and lively of my life.

The day is just as it is as usual, being the maid of the house and being beaten up for small reasons or nothing at all. My parents loves to see me suffer and I don't know why. Am I not enough?

I was awoken in reality when I was slapped harshly by my mother.

"Stop daydreaming! Focus on what your cooking you sick twat!" My mother annoyingly shouted. I swear it makes me sick when I hear her high-pitched voice shout at me. It's like shattered glass inside my eardrums.

I continued to coat the chicken and dipped it in the deep-fryer. I finished cooking and served the chickens on the plate and serving it on the kitchen table.

I was about to sit but my father stopped me.

"Don't eat with us you gay shit! I might be infected!" My father said with disgust. His ugly face scrunched as he was looking at me with such menacing gaze. I would laugh at his face if I was judgemental but I'm not like them.

Those words pierced on my chest and got on my nerves. Those words made me snap.

"I don't get it, I don't get it why you two treat me like this! I am your son and I expect you to love me. But what did I get? Fucking torture and pure torment. Instead of being your son, I'm being your maid. Instead of loving me, you both like me to suffer and hate me. Why? What did I do to desrve this punishment and hate? WHAT DID I DO WRONG?" I shouted with pure anger and tears fell to to my cheek then to the ground.

"Oh, so you're brave enough now to answer us huh? Well let's see how tough you are." My father angrily said. He stood up from his seat as he looked down on me with such intimidating eyes. My mother on tge other hand, was smiling widely, that bitch.

He tugged my shirt and punched me in the face, knocking me down. I tried to escape from his grip but I can't because obviously he is more stronger than me.

"Dad! Will you sto- OWWW!" My stomach recieved a heavy blow from my father's fist. Making me hurl like a ball on the floor. The blow made me cough like crazy as I was just fragile, not large like my father.

"Is that what all you got? Pathetic." My father said as he continued to beat me up. For once I hard difficult time breathing as my father physically shown me no mercy. I felt like my whole body is getting crushed as his heavy smacks land on my body and face.

My mother is just seating there and helps father in any way so he can continue to beat me up.


Hwang Hyunjin

It's the weekends so I decided to go to Seungmin's place and drag him out and hang. I missed him even if I spent two days with that cute boy. I hope he could stayed for longer but his abusive parents have to comeback.

When I was about to knock at their door, I hear some crash noises and someone who is calling for help.

"Dad please! Stop!" It sounded very frail and small. The shout was very hurt as it begged for mercy. I got intrigued as he thought that the voice was familiar. Too familiar.

"Useless fag! Why we're you even born Seungmin?"

When I heard his name. I quickly reacted and called the police and an ambulance to come. I paced back and forth in front of the door as I waited for the authorities to arrive. I wish I could just jump in and kill his parents but I'm better than that. Please hang in there Seungmin, you're strong.

After few minutes they've arrived. The cops asked me some information before barging inside of the house.

"Mr. and Mrs.Kim, you are underarrest for harassing your child. Surrender so there will be no more violence."

The cops apprehended Seungmin's father and mother and drove them to the police station.

The rescue team picked Seungmin on the floor. He is in bad condition. His eyes has bloody blackeyes, has some bruises and scars, his lips are swollen and his body looked so fragile.

"Seungmin are you ok?" I asked with evident fear. I was tearing up as I observed Seungmin's beaten up body. He didn't deserve this treatment. Even if he's face and body was fucked up, I still oddly see him attractive...

They set him up on the back of the ambulance and checked him.

Seungmin looked at me and sighed in relief. "I'm glad you came Hyunjin. I really am." He said before closing his eyes. Breathing very slowly as he seemed very exhausted.

"Please hold on." I said, still in fear. I came with the ambulance and checked on Seungmin. He really looks fragile at this moment. Like a single blow of wind would send him flying away.

The ambulance parked at the hospital and brought Seungmin to the Emergency Room. I tried to enter but the nurses doesn't let me.

I pulled out my phone and messaged the gang.

5 new recieved messages

Guys I'm scared. I need your help.

Why? What happened?

Is there something wrong?

I'm at the hospital rn. Seungmin's in a bad state and I don't know what to do.

Me and Chan will go there. What is the hospital's name?

Let me check...

The General's Hospital

We'll pick up the children. Don't panic Hyunjin everything is ok. Got it?

Got it.

seen by AppaChan,EommaWoojin 10:35

"Don't you dare give up on me Seungmin, Please don't." I whispered under my breath and tears falling to my jeans.


Hey! Yes I know! They're gone yay. But are they really? Ö (my shooketh face)

I'm sorry if Seungmin has to be in that state.

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