8 | Discharged

478 32 3

Kim Seungmin

"Ughhh... where am I?" I sat up the bed that I was laying on.

"Oh thank god you're awake!" Woojin exclaimed. Approaching me to a warm hug.

"We're at the hospital right now Seungmin." Chan sadly said. "You are severly injured."

"Am I really that injured?" All of them nodded and Jeongin handed me a mirror. I looked at my face and there was bruises everywhere. My lips are swollen and I looked fragile.

"Oh god, why does it have to be like this?" I whispered under my breath.

"You should rest Seungmin. Oh and also, Hyunjin and the doctor will check on you and will talk to you." Chan said.

"Oh, ok. Why isn't Hyunjin here? I thought he's the one who brought me here." I questioned to them.

"The doctor wanted to speak with him so he's here but not in this room."

I nodded as I layed back down again and closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep.

The doctor and Hyunjin entered the room with Hyunjin smiling widely.

"Well, I guess we have to go." Woojin said while leaving the room, the rest of the gang followed.

"Well Hyunjin, tell him what we have discussed earlier and keep him company." The doctor said as she left the room.

"What's the matter?" I asked Hyunjin.

"Well it's all good news but there is one bad one." Hyunjin said.

"Tell me the good ones first."

"Well. First is you are going to stay at my place so I can take care of you while you are still in that state. And second, our school principal gave us 2 weeks of free day so that you can recover and I can take care of you and we can cuddle more."

"Wow. I'd love to cuddle with you~. But how are we going to keep up on our studies?" I asked, worried.

"Well, our teachers will give us modules that we can review and study."

"Oohh that's neat, so what's the bad one?" I asked with slight fear on my tone.

"Well, I don't know if you would care but... you won't be living on your house anymore."


"Because your mother and father still had some grudges on you that's why they kicked you out."

"I don't really care. You wouldn't mind if I live in with you right?" I said with no hesitation.

"Of course! Why would I reject you?" Hyunjin excitedly says. "Oh. Before I forget, you are discharged now. That means we can go home now!"

My eyes shined like diamonds of hearing almost everything good news. I'm living with my best friend and not with my evil parents anymore. I'm glad that I'm living with him and can move around freely without burden weighing me down.

"Let's tell the others the good news!" I said with joy.

Hyunjin pulled out his phone and sent the news to their group chat.


Guys good news! Seungmin is discharged today!

Woot-woot! Let's celebrate!

You need help getting Seungmin home?

Yes I do. He also needs to see you all again. He misses all of you alot by now. And also, can you do me a favor guys? Pack Seungmin's stuff and bring them here. He'll be moving from my house now.

We're on our way!

I'mma drive like sonic with the children here.

We're not that young >:C

I'm BabyChangbin's baby. Right daddy?

Of course you are baby boy.

Children! Hold your kinks! We have to get Seungmin out of the hospital!

seen by everyone 16:36


The gang arrives and saw me ready to leave.

"Ready to go Seungminnie~?" Hyunjin asked in a lovey-dovey voice?

"Yes. I'm dying to get out of here." I'm not really a big fan of hospitals because the thought of being just there is scary.

We all walked to the parking lot and divided the gang of which they will be driving with.

Chan hyung has Jisung hyung, Minho hyung, Jeongin, Me and Hyunjin while Woojin has the rest.

Chan hyung dropped us at Hyunjin's place.

"Take good care of him!" Chan said directly to Hyunjin, waving at us goodbye.

"Ready to live here Seungmin?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I? I have been here for a few days to you know."

We both entered the house and Hyunjin dropped my stuff at his room.

"Why not the guest room?" I asked.

"How would I take care of you of you're in a different room?"

He had some points and I nodded. I layed down the bed  because my body is still aching like hell.

"You should get some sleep Seungmin, I'll join you later."

I hummed in response and closed my eyes and was in deep slumber.


Hi. Hello. Ola. Annyeonghasaeyo. Konichiwa. Nihao. Bonjour. Gruetzi. Kamusta.

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