17B | Exposed

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Kim Jennie

"Ugh. What the fuck are these noises?" I groaned as I stood up from my bed. Does Janyoo still held Seungmin captive? Gosh, I need to stop her before she gets into trouble.


"A-are you sure about this big sis?" I nervously asked as Janyoo started to put Seungmin in the trunk of our car.

"Will you just help me and shut up?" She hissed.

"I mean... I'm worried big sis. What if they found out that you held him captive?" I asked her once again, hoping she'll get concious abou this.

"Oh my god shut the fuck up!" She shouted once again, making me flinch.

My sister is nice but she grew being spoiled. If she doesn't get what she wants, she gets it. If it doesn't, she'll do everything to make it hers.

We drove in silence with heavy atmosphere around me and it's slightly suffocating me.

"Big sis... Aren't you feeling bad about this? I mean--" My words were cut by a hard slap on my cheek.

"If you're overthinking then I don't need you anymore." She stopped the car and opened the door.

"Step out and leave." She said as I ran away without hesitation.

"Oh! And one more thing." She shouted, making me look back.

"If any authorities found out, you can kiss your life goodbye."
She said in a bubbly tone. My sister has gotten really crazy now. It's because of him, Seungmin.

*end of flashback*

I stood up and opened the door of my room. I saw Felix and Jeongin searching for something. Or in this case, someone.

"Felix? Innie? What are you two doing here?" I shouted quietly for them to here.

"Oh! Jennie! Let's get inside your room quick!" Felix said as he ushered me and Jeongin back to my room.

"Ok you two haven't answered my question yet. Why are you two here?" I asked again with worry.

"Jennie help us out please?" Jeongin asked.

"What can I help you for?" I asked.

"Did your sister held Seungmin captive? Please be honest with us." Felix begged.

I was shook. How did they know? Oh god... I gulped as I hesitantly answered.

"W-what are you talking about?" I answered completely nervous.

"Please Jennie. Tell us where your sister hid Seungmin. Seungmin doesn't deserve this. He should be free and hanging out with us, especially Hyunjin. Hyunjin needs Seungmin and so does Seungmin needs Hyunjin. He doesn't deserve to be tied up and can't move by his own will. Please Jennie we beg you." Jeongin's words pierced through my mind. He's right, Seungmin doesn't deserve this cruelty. I need to do something.

I stood up and grabbed their hands.

"Let's go now or Seungmin will be suffering more." I said as we ran downstairs by the back and then rushed towards the basement.

I opened the lock with the spare key Janyoo gave me for feeding him when she's gone.

We rushed towards Seungmin who is now sleeping. He looks so broken right now, his skin is pale, scars and bruises are all over his face and his frame looks like he's going to collapse with one wrong touch.

"Oh my god." Felix said as he closed his mouth. I guess he can't comprehend anything what he sees now.

"Seungmin!" Jeongin shouted as he ran towards him and gave him a tight hug.

"J-Jeongin... F-Felix?" Seungmin groggily said.

"Hey! We heard Jeongin shout Seungmin's name." Woojin said as the others followed.

"S-Seungmin?" Hyunjin said as he bursted into tears. I feel bad for him.

Hwang Hyunjin

"Now you're tied. You can't do anything anymore." I said as I knotted the rope.

"Seungmin!" Jeongin shouted from the back of the house. I rushed there to see what's going on. I didn't liked what I saw.

Seungmin tied up with a broken frame. He looks so damaged. I won't forgive Janyoo for this.

I rushed downstairs and hugged Seungmin who is now also crying.

"Shh. Baby you'll be fine. We'll get you out of here." I said as I pulled out my pocket knife and cutted the ropes that tied him. His arms are red and the marks were purple. I helped him stand up and walk upstairs.

"Hyunjin... i'm glad you're here now--" He said as he collapsed on me. Oh no.

"Jennie... can you call 911 please?" I begged as she nodded and called for help.

5 minutes the ambulance arrived. The staff carried Seungmin and get him at the back of the ambulance.

There were police cars too. I guess they called them too. The cops held Janyoo as she is now cuffed. Good for her.

"You'll pay for this!" Janyoo shouted at me. I just playes it off and gave her the finger which completely annoyed her off.

Before she could throw a comeback, she was shoved inside the car.

I approached Jennie who is sitting at the corner of the balcony, still sad.

"Hey Jennie... I'm sorry if it has to end like this. I know that you love your sister but she had come too far this time. I'm sorry." I apologized to her and she just sighed.

"Well... she deserved it. She wasn't a good sister to me as well. Plus, I have a girlfriend so I'm not totally alone." My eyes widened by the mention of girlfriend.

"And who's that lucky gal?" I joked to ease out the awkwardness.

"Lisa... Lalisa Manoban."

"Oh! A member of the Dance club right? I know her. You're lucky to have her. She's pretty and talented too." I comforted her so she won't be feeling so sad.

We bid eachother goodbye as we SKZ headed to the hospital to see Seungmin.

Kim Jennie

"I'm glad you're safe now Seungmin. Take care of Hyunjin."

I pulled out my phone and dialed Lisa.

"Hey babe. Can you come over? I'm all alone now."


Hi locas! So yeah. Jennie is Janyoo's sister. This is fiction so who cares right?

Also, JenLisa wins. I was saddened by JenKai breaking up but they have reasons. They loved each other and I thank everyone who supported them.

So yeah. A new chapter yay!

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