23 | No More

364 20 7


Hwang Hyunjin

Holy shit, the letter.

I've been sitting uncomfortably on my seat as Seungmin gives me a concerened look.

"You've been shifting your position on your seat everytime Hyunjinnie... are you alright?" He asked as I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Ok... if you say so." He said as I tried to calm myself down.

We arrived at our house as I quickly ran off the car and ran inside to the kitchen.

I arrived and saw nothing at the counter. I looked around and sighed in relief that it was nowhere to be seen there.

"Hey Hyunjin, you sure that you're alright? You kinda ran fast towards here. Are you still sick?" He said as I chuckled by his cuteness. I pinched his cheeks as a sign that I'm doing fine.

"Whatever..." He rolled his eyes and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'm going to our room, if you need me, call me." He said as he ran upstairs to our room.

I sat on the kitchen stool, thinking of all how we passed through all the things we've experienced.

I was deep on my thoughts when I realized something. Where's the letter?

I quickly stood up and searched everywhere. In the living room, the bathroom, even my almost forgotten basement. There were no signs of the letter.

"Where is it?" I mumbled to myself. Then, a lightbulb popped above my head as I realized that I forgot to check one room. Our room.

Kim Seungmin

"Ahh~ I miss our bed so much." I said as I plopped myself down to the bed. I left a sigh of relief that I'm finally home.

I looked around and saw our picture that we took when we were at the fanmeeting. It was fun and memorable.

I noticed a paper that is at below of the picture earlier. I picked it up and to see that its a note, I read it.

For Seungmin's eyes only.

I can recognize the writing as because Hyunjin is the one who wrote the letter. I assumed that this is a sweet love letter that Hyunjin hesitated to give me since the fanmeeting. My smile turned into a frown once I read the first paragraph.

Dear Seungmin,

If you are reading this now, you might know now that I'm dead. I wrote this letter for you to remind you that even if I'm gone, I will always love you. And I hope that you'll do the same, even if you don't remember me anymore.

I took in deep breaths and controlled myself not to cry. Why would Hyunjin write this?

When I first met you, I felt red strings tugging us to be closer, which I did. I befriended you but I wanted something more than friends. Unlike the others, my heart fluttered when I saw you. You were perfect and you were beautiful. Even though I have my frienda there for me, I didn't felt complete. But when I met you, I felt my heart filled with joy and love, I felt complete. You are caring for everyone, especially me. When you took me to the fanmeeting, I never realized that I very very very and really really really love you. I was planning to surprise you back by doing the same, but with your favorite band Day6. And maybe meet your role model, Wonpil.

I felt tears start to well up on my eyes. I quickly rubbed it off as because it makes my vision blurry.

I promised to myself that I'll protect you and make you happy no matter what. After your own parents dumped you, that is where I felt it, you needing love and protection. I came and accepted you as you are. That is what I love about you, being strong after all the shit you've been through with your parents. I was proud that I took care of you very well. But my pride punched me real hard when that stupid-motherfucking-son-of-a-bitch-that-eats-shit-out-of-a-dumpster Janyoo had held you captive. I felt hopeless but I never gave up. I still searches for you and when I did, I was hurt even more, seeing you fragile as a glass and the worst part is, you forgot about me. Literally.

"Stupid Hyunjin." I said to myself weakly as I felt my tears streaming down to my cheeks, to my chin and then to the note. I gripped harshly on the letter, causing it to crumple at the sides.

Now thinking of it, I will lose if I gave up. But I can't handle the pain anymore, my heart that shattered into pieces when I found out that you don't know me anymore. I felt that there wad nothing more to live, because you are my life Seungmin. And by losing you means that I lost in life. I don't want to live anymore.

But don't worry, because you will always be in my heart Seungmin and no one is going to replace you, ever.

Sincerely yours,
Hwang Hyunjin

I broke down when I read the last paragraph. My tears bursted out as I crumpled the letter and threw it at the corner of the room.

"S-Seungmin?" I heard Hyunjin call me out. I raised my head and quickly hugged him tight.

"Why would you attempt to do that?" I said as I cried at his chest while I weakly hit his shoulders. I can feel him holding his tears as he tensed up from my remarks.

"I'm sorry Seungminnie... I just couldn't handle the thought of you not knowing me anymore." He said as he started to cry with me. I tightened my embrace as I kept my head to his chest.

We stayed like that for almost an hour before I loosen my grip and pulled out from the embrace.

I cupped his face as I leaned closer and we kissed, feeling our love for each other. His hands found their way to my hips as my arms are around his neck.

We pulled out as we catched our breaths.

"I love you Hyunjinnie." I mumbled as he smiled.

"I love you too Seungminnie." He replied back as I gave him a quick kiss before pulling out.

"I'm tired, let's sleep for now and cuddle." I said as I yawned.

"Sure thing my princess."

"Stop! You're cringy..."

"But I'm your prince so that makes you my princess."

I rolled my eyes as we cuddled on the bed.

"Good night Seungmin." He said as I buried my head into his chest while he kissed my head after.

"Good night Hyunjin." I said as we both dozed off with the calming atmosphere around us.

It's over now Hyunjin, we did it.

or is it?






It's never the END || SeungJin ✅Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora