20 | The biggest Relief and Guilt

295 24 4

Kim Seungmin

"Hi Tzuyu!" I said as she came closer and gave me hug. I saw the man's jaw drop as he saw us hugging.

He ran away as I looked at Tzuyu noona very confused. She just sighed and asked how I was doing. Same question same answer, I said that I'm well, even though I feel something is missing.

"That guy, is going to take you with him when you get discharged tomorrow." Tzuyu noona said as I raised a brow.

"Why though, I don't even know his name." I said as I rolled my eyes. He might be a stranger to me but I always think of the same silhouette with its face blank. My head hurts.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you, his name is Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin, he is your boyfriend." She said as my eyes widened, I have a boyfriend? Well I know I'm straight, straight as a circle.

The pain started to fade as the silhouette of the man's face started to clear from blurring. I saw his face. His godlike visuals and a heartwarming features. I suddenly felt a bang on my brain as I got unconcious.

Hwang Hyunjin, my dear. I remember you.


Yoo short update but guess what? No angst. Yay!

But there the next chapter. Maybe full of angst? I don't know?

So yeah my hiatus starts now but it won't be long so yeah. Have fun without me!

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