14 | 김잔유

318 24 1

*Seungmin's flashback*

My phone ringed. I checked it and I received a notification. A message from an unknown number. I tapped on it to see what it sent me

Unknown Number
1 new received message

Unknown Number
Hey oppa~ it's me Janyoo. After school can you go at the central park? Please!

Why Janyoo?

Unknown Number
Please just come! I need you there now.

I was curious of why she needed me so after class I ran towards the central park. Hyunjin might be finding around the whole school now.

I arrived at the central park with Janyoo waving at me.

"So why did you want me to come here Janyoo?" I asked her and I was annoyed because she forced me to go here at the central park.

"I just wanted to talk with you oppa~ let's go to the nearby cafè and talk there. Treats on me!" She insisted. I'm kinda curious if what she's going to say so I agreed and followed her at the cafè.

"Caramel macchiato?" She asked and I nodded.

She ordered 2 large caramel macchiato and a cinnabun. We looked for a seat, finding one and we sat on it.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"Well..." She spoke quietly, fidgeting her fingers.

"Are you and Hyunjin boyfriends?" She asked.

Wtf? How did she know. But telling her the truth won't hurt anyone so why not?

"Yes we are, why'd you ask?"

"Really? What?" She raised her voice, catching few awkward glares from strangers.

"Shh! Calm down! You're getting awkward attention!" I whisper-shouted at her and she calmed down.

"You don't deserve him oppa..." She said out of nowhere.

"Excuse me. What?" Kinda offended, I still asked.

"Ugh. Why does Hyunjin oppa has to be with you!" She said sternly.

I raised a brow and trying to process what she ment. All I could think of is this. She is trying to win my heart but she's not my type so bad for her. I don't even like her, she's bitchy and I'm gay.

The drinks came and the staff who gave it left immidiately.

I took a sip from my coffee before I spoke. "What makes you think I don't deserve him?"

She chuckled.

"What?" I asked in a cold tone.

"Are you that blind Seungmin oppa? Do you really think he loves you? NO! He's just using you, trust me! He's just having fun and you're his time killer. Once he had enough, he'll cut your relationship short. Therefore I say, you don't deserve him." She said coldly. That statement stabbed my heart a million times. Even though I think it's not true, whay she said stayed and hurted me more.

I clenched my fist as I have nothing to say. Before my tears stream down my face. I ran out the cafe with my caramel macchiato and never looked back. When I was far away. The tears streamed down and my heart shattered. From that I was scared. Scared of losing him. Hyunjin.


Hwang Hyunjin

"That bitch! Grrr... I'm going to murder her when I see her face!" I growled in anger.

"Hyunjin! Calm down... but atleast we know that it's not true, right?" Seungmin asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I? But really, if school is going to start again, I'm going to mess her life up." I growled in anger once again.

"I love you idiot." He said.

"Hey, watch your profanity dear. I love you too." I said as I pecked his cheek and his lips.



You think that was it? Hoho. That bitch is going to ruin the story so control your anger!

It's never the END || SeungJin ✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu