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3rd Person

"H-Hyunjin, should we really do this?" Seungmin asked Hyunjin as he nodded without hesitation.

"Yes! This is our only chance!" He said as they both entered ths JYPE building. It was big and cozy inside.

"Hello, can I help you guys?" A lady asked to the two.

"We are auditioning for being a trainee." Hyunjin said as Seungmin nodded in agreement.

"Oh okay, please follow me." The lady said as Hyunjin and Seungmin followed her into an elevator.

While inside, Seungmin was shaking and Hyunjin held him tight in his embrace.

"Are you nervous?" Hyunjin asked, Seungmin nodded as he placed his hands on his chest.

"Yes, I don't know if I'm enough to become a trainee." Seungmin said as Hyunjin placed his hands on top of Seungmin's.

"Don't worry, I know you'll do great." Hyunjin comforted Seungmin by sneakingly giving him a kiss. But the lady saw the whole scene and was controlling herself from fangirling.

They have arrived at the designated floor of the building as the lady guided ther towards a room.

"There are people here too to audition. Good luck on your journey." The lady said calmly as Hyunjin and Seungmin thanked her.

"Are you ready Minnie?" Hyunjin asked as Seungmin confidently nodded.

"Yes Jinnie." Seungmin said as he kissed Hyunjin before they enter. They opened the door to see people waiting for their turn.

"H-Hyunjin..." Seungmin stuttered as he pointed at a specific group of people.

"Yup, they're auditioning too." Hyunjin said as they walk towards the group.

"Hey guys!" Hyunjin called as seven heads turned. Seungmin couldn't believe what he saw. All of them was auditioning for a spot being a trainee.

"Seungmin! Hyunjin!" Chan hyung shouted as he approached the two with a tackle hug, making them flinch. Not long after, the rest joined after.

"Hello everyone, please lend your ears on me." The speakers boomed the whole room as one person who everyone supposed one of the staffs.

"You guys will be divided into 5 each session of audition and we will only pick 16 people to get the chance to be a trainee." The staff explained as everyone listened.

"Wow! Only sixteen?"

"How many are we here anyway?"

"Holy shit! Only 16 out of 106?"

Many side comments from the people can be heard, making the whole room loud.

"I wish you all good luck and do your best." The staff said as she left immediately. Some people were just chill while some was shaking their legs out because of nervousness, like Jisung.

"G-guys... I don't think I'll make it." Jisung whined as the others looked at him.

"Jisung-ah... don't be like that. I will make sure that you'll secure your spot on those 16 spots with me." Minho hyung said as he pecked his lips, making him shut up with a flustered face.

"Ok yuck. So what's your number guys?" Changbin asked as everyone checked their assigned numbers.

"I'm 5." Chan answered.

"Well I'm 4." Woojin replied.

"I'm 9." Minho responded.

"I'm 27." Changbin added.

"I'm 16." Jisung answered after Changbin hyung.

"I'm 28." Felix said.

"I'm 30." Jeongin replied back.

"Seungmin is 64 and I'm 65." Hyunjin answered for the both of them. So the pairing for the sessions would be;

Chan and Woojin

Changbin and Felix

Hyunjin and Seungmin

and the rest are on their own.


Around 5 hours, the whole audition ended. It is time for the panelists to announce the people who will become their trainees.

"We will announce your assigned number if you are in. Please, once I call out your number, come here in the front." The old man in the center of the panelists explained as everyone felt heavy tension throughout the area.

"First trainee is... number 5!" The panelist announced as we all jumped in glee.

"Congrats babe." Woojin congratulated Chan with his loving stare as Chan returned it. Chan stood proud infront of everyone.

"The second trainee is... number 22!" The panelist announced. The peoole, especially the SKZs, were all nervous as because none of us is 22. But the boys congratulated the girl who was 22.

"Third trainee... number 27!" Once again, they all cheered for Changbin who is now making his way infront.

"Please come out fourth... number 100!" All the people except the 9 boys cheered loudly when the number was announced. They guessed that this boy was popular.

What surprised the nine is, the boy gave Jeongin a sweet look and a wink after. Jeongin hid his face as he felt heat creeping up to his face.

"Fifth, sixth and seventh... numbers 3, 4 and 9!" They clapped aggresively as their two hyungs also joined Chan and Changbin at the front.

"Eight and Ninth... 16 and 28!" The two who was clasping their hands together heaved out a deep sigh of relief as they happily skipped towards the front.

"Tenth, Eleventh, Twelveth... numbers 21, 30 and 86!" Jeongin smiled so wide that everyone who saw it was blinded, along with the blond girl who is sitting next to him who was also in.

"Thirteenth... number 64!" Hyunjin let out a loud squeal as he shaked his boyfriend and congratulated him over and over again because Seungmin seemed very lost when he heard his number.

Seungmin walked at the front as the other seven gave him a thumbs up. Hyunjin is the only one missing.

Fourteenth wasn't Hyunjin's spot.

Neither was Fifteenth.

Seungmin crossed his fingers as he wished that this will be Hyunjin's spot.

"And the last spot will be yours... number 65!" Seungmin let out a heavy sigh as he smiled and clapped cutely. He was definetely in a good mood right now.

Hyunjin stood up and everyone stopped clapping for him. Because everyone was stunned by his visuals.

Compliments were heard all across the room and the 8 just chuckled, especially Seungmin.


"CHEERS!" Everyone shouted as they were drinking. Except for Jeongin ofcourse. He just cheered with his chocolate milk.

"I still cannot believe all of us were in." Seungmin said as he drank his bottle of sparkling champagne (which was sponsored by Chan btw.)

"Hey! Atleast it means we're all talented." Jisung replied as all of them were talking and teasing Jeongin about the event that happened earlier.


I'm so dumb. I haven't touched this draft since I started to hold this SC. But hey, I worked it out!

Stream ICY!

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