Chapter 3

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*It can get confusing who's speaking between the boys so I'll let you know*

I couldn't believe it. Zion Kuwonu was literally right in front of me. Zion Kuwonu, in the flesh. I was in shock. Absolute Shock.

"Uh Vanessa..?"

"Oh yea, sorry I was... uhm.... thinking about something."

"Nah, you're good, this is my buddy Zion by the way."

As he was introducing Zion, Edwin and Austin walked by. It was literally like a dream. It didn't even feel like it was real life. All those times I sang their songs and saw them on Instagram and they were actually in front of me. I didn't know if I was going to pee myself, throw up, pass out, scream, cry, or all of the above.

"Oh, these are my buddies too, Edwin and Austin. Have ya'll seen Brandon anywhere?"

Brandon walked out of another room from the back with a charger in his hand.

"I'm right here."

"Oh there he is, and this is Brandon.

Then literally everything went to hell.

I tried to grab my phone and end the call so the ringtone would stop blaring from my phone. I basically broke my phone trying to deny the call. Not now. This can not be happening right now. There going to thing I'm a total stalker. I literally just got meet all of them. My face became EXTREMELY red.

"Uhh... I'm guessing you already know all of our names then..." -Nick

"Uhm... yea... yea I do. I'm so sorry, you probably think I am some crazy stalker fan. I genuinely didn't know this was your house until like an hour ago, and I did genuinely come with a friend."

"Hahaha, you're good. I believe you. Nice ringtone by the way." - Nick

"Yea... thanks... I'm gonna go find my friend... it's probably time for us to head out."

"Nah, you ain't gotta leave."-Nick

"Yea, we just met you."-Zion

"So you're not gonna label me as some psycho fan who tracked your house and crashed your party?"

"That's not the vibe I was catching so.. no."-Edwin

"Yea, you seem chill."-Austin

I saw out of the corner my eye Kayla approach and her eyes grew as big as her head.

"Omg, no. way."

The guys turned their bodies around and kind of smirked.

"I'm guessing this is your friend."-Zion

"Yea.... that's her."

Kayla just stood there, and for the first time since I've met her she was speechless.

"Hey, I'm Edw- actually you probably already know who I am."

My face grew extremely red again as I let out a nervous laugh.

"Yea.. uh...I'm-I'm.. Hi, I'm Kayla."

"Nice to meet you" -All Boys

"We should probably head out, it's getting late. Thank you for... not kicking us out..."

"Hahaha, your welcome."-Brandon

"Yea, no problem... I think"-Edwin

"It was nice meeting all of you guys."

"Nice meeting you guys too."-Nick

I started to walk out the door when I noticed Kayla kind of pause behind me.

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