3~ Bugs

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I will be writing what moves the pokemons have at the end note. If you're interested, please read the note at the end after finishing this chapter. I will be writing the moves Karma's Pokemon have in this one and Nagisa's on the other, okay?

Nagisa's POV

My face brightened as we reached Santalune town. We had crossed Aquacorde town after buying some potions and antidotes. It was quite fun to explore the Santalune forest (which was now covered in snow) and watch Karma battle some trainers on the way.

"Seems like we reached Santalune city." Karma commented, Growlithe yipping after him.

I nodded my head and checked the map. "According to this pokedex, Santalune gym leader is a bug type specialist." Karma hummed at my statement which he undoubtedly knew beforehand.

"To reach the gym, we must spot the Roselia fountain which is located at the heart of Santalune town. After spotting it, go straight ahead and turn left." I finished and kept the pokedex inside my pocket.

I was wearing a black shirt which was mostly covered by my open navy blue and white jacket. My pants were dark blue and I had my pokeball attachable belt with me too. On my back was a yellow and blue handy backpack which had all the necessary things needed for traveling.

"Alright, alright. I know you must be itching for a battle." Karma said while scratching Growlithe under his chin affectionately. Growlithe let out a delighted sound between a growl and a purr.

Karma was wearing a black and white striped shirt which was also mostly covered by his open black jacket. His pants were gray and his bag was lazily slung over only one side of his shoulder.

Riolu and Braixen looked excited to watch Karma's first gym battle too. Braixen chattered excitedly while smiling at Treecko who was perched on Karma's shoulder. Treecko fistpumped in the air as he repeated his own name with a determined tone.

I spotted the fountain which was frozen over, from the corner of my eye and I called out, "Karma kun! I think it's this way!"

Karma nodded as I led the way. Now we have to turn left and Oh! We were in front of a building which was presumably, the gym. There was a board on top of the building which had 'Santalune gym' written in bold green and yellow letters.

I knocked on the light green door not getting any answers from anyone. Karma just pushed the doors and went inside making me sigh. "You could've at least asked someone if we could enter."

Karma snickered, "You're too polite."

I huffed before glancing at the photos that were arranged neatly on the wall. "Wow! This looks more like a photo gallery than a gym." I breathed out while marveling at the sight of the photos.

Every single one of them looked like they had a long and interesting story behind each of them, the gym leader must be a really really good photographer.

No one could deny my statement as everyone was just as entranced by the photos as I was. I could hear Braixen and Riolu coo at the photo of a cute Pikachu with a cap.

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