9~ Reflect

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Hello, my adorable readers! This chapter's probably gonna be a filler again so I is very sorry if I bore you. (Yes, that was done deliberately.)

Third Person POV

Two trainers, one blue haired and one red haired, walked into the reflection cave, looking at the shiny natural stones curiously.  "Hmm....so this is the cave of reflection." Karma mused while poking at the flat surface of a sparkly crystalline stone.

"Karma-kun! Don't go touching things carelessly like that." Nagisa scolded.

Karma stuck out his tongue towards the blunette while glancing around the whole entrance. "I've heard that some people have wandered inside this cave, never to come back."

Nagisa felt a shiver run down through his spine at Karma's words. "Karma-kun!" The said boy had a mischievous grin on his face as he snickered.

It wasn't that Nagisa was going to believe Karma, of course not- and he didn't really hold any fear of ghosts and unknown, but when myths like these are said, some part of him really ponders if it's true. And then, fear slowly forms in his heart. Glancing at Karma's hand, his own twitches to grab on it, but the more logical part of him stops the movement- it was way too pathetic to want to hold Karma's hand after a tease.

Karma noticed Nagisa glancing at him and flashed him a lopsided grin which could put a Gengar to shame. "What is this? Don't tell me you're actually scared."

"No, I'm not!" Nagisa insisted, looking down at the ground.

Of course, it was ridiculous to even fancy the thought of holding hands just because Karma got to him.

After he cooled down, he finally looked up to see only his own dumb face looking at himself with a surprised expression. There was no sign of Karma at all. Nagisa looked around frightfully but all that he could see was his own reflection in the crystals and the walls of the cave.

"Karma-kun?" He tried, "Is this one of your pranks?" Forcing a chuckle, he waited for Karma to come out of his hiding spot, then a shiver ran down his spine when he realized no one was coming out, "Haha, good joke, Karma-kun, come out now."

Then he promptly slammed onto a winged Pokemon.


"Nagisa-kun? Where did you go?"

The red haired boy had just turned around for a few seconds to watch the row of Roggenrolla walk, or rather waddle, and Nagisa had disappeared.

Karma could go out of the cave easily since he was right at the mouth of the cave but what about Nagisa? The blunette was not a scaredy cat but he still wasn't the bravest of men. And added the fact that Karma had scared him with a fake story.



"Karma kun!"

Nagisa has been walking around the cave, marking the place where he was earlier with a cross, only to return back to that cross again and again.

The winged Pokemon he had bumped into before was a Noibat, a common cave-dwelling pokemon, and the Pokemon was now flying above his head but it did nothing to calm him down.

The blunette was terrified right now. Was Karma actually right? Would he not be able to return to the mouth of the cave at all? His pokemons weren't with him since they weren't allowed to enter the cave.

"Hello?!" He shouted while cupping his mouth with his hands to amplify the sound. His echo reverberated inside the cave as if teasing him that he wouldn't hear any answer from anything at all.

Red and Blueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن