5~ Dash and Dessert

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I can't believe the rate at which this book is getting views! Love ya'll so much <33!

The photo above wasn't made by me but it is Nagisa's clothes (which I poorly described in the text below) So, kudos to whoever made it! (I'm sorry for the half-assed credits)

Nagisa's POV

"You're gonna do good, trust me."

"But...what if I-"

Karma shushed me as his Treecko handled my egg. Karma met my eyes in a stare, "You've been practicing for the whole week, you'll be alright. Just believe in yourself and your Pokemon." I glanced at Riolu and Braixen who looked fired up for their debut.

We are in Camphrier town right now. You wouldn't believe how much people are here because of the Pokemon showcase. Normally, Camphrier town is the least populated town out of all places in Kalos but right now there are people are everywhere!

I was really anxious for the performance since there will be  many people looking at us. I sat on the chair looking in the mirror. The shirt I was wearing was white with blue outlines on the collar and sleeves. My shorts were white in color too and they were blue on the edges. I had tightened a belt around my waist to hold the long blue shirt of mine that I'd worn from inside in place. In short, I looked ridiculous.

Well, calling me ridiculous would be over exaggerating it but something was still missing. I couldn't point it out but something was definitely missing. There were mostly girls here, scratch that, all of the participants were girls except me.

"Hi! My name is Kaede Kayano!" A joyful voice trilled near my ear almost making me jump. I turned around to see a green haired girl smiling brightly and waving her hand towards me.

"Uh...hi, I'm Shiota Nagisa." I answered awkwardly while toying with my collar. Kayano glanced at my outfit before saying, "Your costume looks really good! But..." She paused and I sighed, of course there is a but.

She stood behind me, her Ivysaur and fletchling trailing after her. She untied my hair as she combed it, "Your hairstyle needs a modification although." She put my hair into two cute pigtails which I touched after she finished.

"There you go! Now just need these to.." She got in front of me and clipped my side bang with a blue and a white clip in a criss cross formation. Now, the outfit looked whole and full.

"Thank you, Kayano chan." I said only to waved off by her dismissively. "It's alright. You're a fellow performer after all." I smiled at her gratefully before a woman entered the room with some aprons on her arm.

"The first round is a cooking competition. I need Oda Aiko, Hazuki Hikari and Shiota Nagisa to follow me." The woman said and Kayano turned to me while clapping her hands together, "Oo... Your turn is at the beginning! Good luck!"

I waved at her before following the woman. She tied a yellow apron around my waist. It was checkered with white lines on it. Hikari had a purple and black one whereas Aiko had a pastel pink and blue one.

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