21~ Battling with pride

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......this chapter is shit.......yeah...

Third person POV

The temperature started to change as the two boys walked towards their destination, Snowbelle city.

It was said by locals and written in articles that the temperature and the ever lasting snow in Snowbelle city was caused because of the gym's cold atmosphere and power of the ice type pokemons in the gym.

The gym leader's pokemons must be really powerful to cause snow to fall like that in the whole city.

"It's starting to get cold. Isn't it?" Nagisa asked while rubbing his hands together which were covered with chocolate brown mittens.

"Yeah..." Karma said nonchalantly while Growlithe padded through the path, melting the snow because of his body temperature.

Braixen was out today because it was her turn to walk along side Nagisa. Her pink bow that was on the branch looked very noticeable amidst the white snowy path they were walking on.

"I think that you could-" Before Nagisa could even finish his sentence, a lion like Pokemon came into their line of vision.

"What's a Pyroar doing here?" Karma said, pondering if it was the work of the person who was dropping pokemon in unnatural habitats.

"He's here because he's with me, burnt tomato." A familiar orange head came in front of Karma with a pokeball on his hand.

He pointed the pokeball straight at Karma as he said, "I've been wanting to battle with you for a while from now since my sub ordinates were too slow at winning against the gym leaders."

His purple eyes met dangerous mercury ones which were half lidded because of boredom.

"A battle, huh? Are you sure you want to embarrass yourself, carrot head?" Karma said mockingly and Asano tched.

"I've grown stronger than before. I've trained my pokemons to battle against any type of pokemons in any odds so let's battle." He said, his eyes still at the red head.

"Alright then. Nagisa, can you please be the referee?"

Nagisa was taken aback by the 'please' that he used but nodded after seeing how they were looking at each other. Just like two Pyroars about to fight for dominance, they had that kind of spark in their eyes.

"A-alright! This match is between Asano Gakushuu and Akabane Karma, both of the trainers are allowed to use 5 pokemons each." Nagisa paused looking at the two who stood with one of their pokeballs out.

"One, two and three!" He exclaimed and both of them threw their pokeballs, their pokemons materializing in front of them.

"Sligoo use Dragon breath!"

"Noibat use Agility to dodge!"


The battle went on for a long time, two of them stood as determined as a Tauros. Both of them were equally matched.

Grovyle panted to catch his breath and Tropius did the same.

"Tropius use leaf storm!"

"Grovyle use detect then, X-scissors!"

Grovyle landed a clean shot at Tropius knocking the huge Pokemon out with the super effective move. Nagisa watched the battle with a look of discomfort like he knew that something was about to happen.

It was like a sense of foreboding that told him that something bad was going to happen. He had clutched Ralts' heal ball on his hand and Braixen was out and ready to defend. Just a few preventive measures.

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