7~ Berry Field

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Hello~ This chapter is sort of filler chapter so I hope I don't bore you to death. Also, I am trying out a new style of writing so hope you don't mind if I do!

Third person's POV

Two teenagers walked along route 7 which was also known as Rivière walk, the longest route of Kalos region. It proved to be true as the boys had been walking from Camphrier town to Cyllage town for quite a couple of days now.

"Karma kun, I think we're about to reach the Berry field." said Nagisa while holding his pokepad on his hand and pointing at the red glowing dot.

Berry field was their destination for now since reaching Cyllage city may take 2 or more days from even the berry field and a certain blue haired boy really wanted to go there, so who was Karma to stop him anyway?

Karma hummed in approval as he spotted the brown fences lined up onto the border like a barrier. Nagisa walked alongside him while looking at the sparkling blue river that flowed from the route.

Nagisa entered the field while looking here and there for the owner. There were some berry growers in the field but none of them seemed like they were the owner.

Karma went around looking at the berries pointing some of them out as cross bred berries. He even spotted some of the most rare berries of Kalos region as he passed by all the growing sprouts.

A girl with sparkling emerald green eyes and short orange wavy hair approached the confused blunette. "Hello! Welcome to the berry field." She exclaimed, smiling at the blue haired boy.

"Oh.. Uh...um I was wondering if I could plant some berries myself too." Nagisa had never been confronted by an extremely enthusiastic girl -minus Kayano- and his natural shyness acted up.

The girl tucked her hair behind her ear and said, "My name's Kurahashi Hinano. Nice to meet you!" Nagisa reciprocated the greeting with his own name and was dragged by the same girl.

"Well, let's get you ready for berry planting. I have so much to show you!" She offered him a pair of white rubber gloves.

Tugging him by the arm, she helped him explore all the crook and cranny of the berry farm. She showed him where the cross breeds were and where the normal ones were. The tall plants that bowed like elderly backs and the fresh saplings, new and full of life, were a sight to view.

"And these are Kee berries and Malanga berries." She finished while gesturing towards the sprouts and seedlings.

"Thanks, Kurahashi-san." Nagisa sincerely thanked her with utmost gratitude because if it were not for her, he would've been just running round in circles with how big the field was.

"Oh, no need for a thank you at all." She said and took him where the seedlings could be found. "So, Kurahashi-san, are you a Berry grower too?" Nagisa couldn't help but ask which made Hinano chuckle.

"No not at all! My parents, my father to be exact, is the owner of this Berry field. I am actually a novice bug type trainer." She tossed her pokeballs and out came a Joltik, Vivillon, Sewaddle and a shiny Kakuna.

"Wow...you've got some really cool pokemons. You even have a shiny one." Nagisa gasped in amazement as the odd colored Kakuna stood out between all the pokemons.

"I know, right? I want to be a great bug type specialist someday so I have been training them." She said while petting her Joltik who let out tiny sparks of electricity out of delight. Thank goodness, she was still wearing those rubber gloves.

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