28~ Panic in the stadium

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I'm seriously very shocked to know that this crappy book of mine has 1.2k reads and 132 votes. Let me freak out irl while I act as calm as a sage in this author note.





Alright, let's head on to the chapter.

Third person POV

Today was the day. The opening ceremony of Kalos league and the day when trainers from all around the world would visit Kalos region just to participate in this tournament.

The 'Pokemon master' team were getting ready to face the challenge and beat the trainers to prove their name wasn't just a pipe dream.

Hinano was there but as the audience because she wanted to see how Bug type specialist would do in this tournament. She was also told that the fighting type specialist, Tadaomi Karasuma would sit in the VIP seat as a special member.

A certain humanoid looking octopus was to blame.

Rio, Kayano and Okuda had traveled together, even if it was for just some time, so the two non contender were there to cheer her on.

Isogai and Maehara had been traveling together after a certain yellow octopus had advised them to and they'd become a very strong double battle team, one covering the other's weakness.

Other potential trainers chosen by the yellow octopus were also psyched to enter the league or cheer their friends on.

Karma and Nagisa were also no lesser than the others, their confession had made them more closer than before and a yellow tentacool like creature kept on visiting them while Karma was training for the league.

Nagisa was going to be cheering for his boyfriend of course but he had come with an ulterior motive too. He was going to become a coordinator after he enters a contest in Hoenn or Sinnoh region. He'll be needing battle strategies to overcome experienced trainers and coordinators so, he wasn't sitting as carelessly as one thought.

Both of the trainers were on the stadium seat, waiting for people to fill the stadium. They had come a little too early.

"Sandshrew.." Nagisa said and the mouse Pokemon turned towards him. His claws were sharpened than before but they were still blunt compared to other pokemons, that didn't mean Karma would take advantage even of the blunt claws.

"Please don't dig anywhere this guy says before the battle starts, alright?" Nagisa said, knowing that Karma would either dig a hole at the trainers podium to make the trainer fall down or the Pokemon's standing area to make it fall down.

Either way, the result would be the same.

Karma pouted, "Have I ever done anything that mischievous Nagisa?" The blue head gave him a pointed look, reminding him of the supermarket incident.

"But...but that was a small trick. I'm sure the trainers wouldn't mind a little bit of fun." Karma said.

Sandshrew tilted his head at Nagisa then at Karma, confused at why they were debating about making a hole and not making a hole. Digging was fun, he'd do it any day he would be told to.

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