23~ Feelings and emotions

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I don't have much to say so....

Do you like bnha? (My hero academia) (=^.^=)

Third person POV


The scar faced man said while pointing at Nagisa.

Takaoka had certainly changed in terms of his appearance because he had scratch like scars on his face. He was wearing only a single white vest and black trousers in this freezing cold weather.

Kayano and Karma stiffened, thinking about how this maniac got out of the jail so fast. The red head turned towards Nagisa who was looking at the man with uncertainty.

"What are you trying to do here?" Kayano asked, her voice was steady but some hesitance could be heard through her voice.

Takaoka scratched the already bruised surface of his cheek while saying, "I'm here to destroy this school." The head master gasped at his claim but said nothing because of the intimidating presence he had.

"Why?" Nagisaa questioned and the scarface turned towards him with a dangerous look on his face.

"Why? Why, you say? You must already know why!" Takaoka shouted while pointing at the three trainers that were present in the field. His hands also had scars on them.

"You humiliated me by winning against me by fluke and sent me to jail!" He shouted, his spit flying everywhere as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry to say this but you were sent to jail because you did something wrong." Nagisa politely explained gaining a grunt from the scar faced man.

"Quiet! I didn't ask you for your opinion rather...." He paused before grinning and gesturing to the ground.

"Let's have a Pokemon battle and we have to obey the winner." Takaoka said and Karma arched his brow. "You know that we can just call the police and have you arrested again."

The man displayed a pink cube like gadget to the red head as he tossed it up and down on his palm. "Oh, I have a solution so that you won't be able to interfere between the battle at all."

Nagisa shifted in his place awkwardly, not knowing what to say. The man then pointed at him, "So come here and battle against me."

Kayano looked at him worriedly as he went towards Takaoka. The scarfaced man placed the cube on the ground and a pinkish cube like structure formed, surrounding a large area for the two to battle in.

"Well, I choose Crobat."

Nagisa touched at the transparent wall like structure which surrounded them. He couldn't really pass through it, judging by the way his hand just got blocked by it.

Nagisa held the heal ball near his face while gazing at it with concern. As if he was unsure that the Pokemon inside the ball couldn't perform well in this battle.

"I choose her." The Pokemon materialized with sparkles, signifying a shiny Pokemon, turning towards her opponent who was flying.

"Huh, the Pokemon that I was supposed to catch. Are you trying to show her off to me?" Takaoka jeered while looking at the feeling Pokemon whose blue helmet like head was contrasting against the brown land that they were on.

"Crobat use swift."

"Ralts, dodge it with teleport and use confusion!"

The stars like attack headed towards the feeling pokemon, only to crash against the ground because she had used teleport and escaped already.

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