3~ Rock 'n' Roll

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Karma's gonna rock the gym, got it? Because it's a rock type gym....

Okay, I'll stop.

Third person POV

"I hope that you're prepared to face the outcome of the battle in front of my students no matter what." Roxanne said, her clear voice ringing through the battlefield, hushing the students on the sidelines immediately.

Karma, with the pokeball near his face, smirked, not at all scared by her indirect threat of humiliation. "Of course. The only outcome that they'll see is their beloved principal getting beaten by me."

The students started voicing out their protests but were silenced by the sharp look given by their teacher. Roxanne smiled, "I use every bit of knowledge I have to try defeating my challengers but if they immerge victor even after that, I'll accept defeat no matter who's looking."

Geodude materialized on the battlefield as did an Alolan Sandshrew, enticing numerous gasps from the students.

"An interesting choice." The ravenette hummed, placing her hand on her chin at the ice type variant. "Well, I do hope that you can give me a clear demonstration on your battle style, couldn't you?"


She watched as her Geodude fainted from the strong metal claw thrown from Sandshrew.

Nagisa's pokemon were out and cheering for Karma, their voice growing louder at the win. The bluehead himself couldn't help the smile that was playing on his lips.

"So you were talking about beating me?" Karma mocked and Roxanne's hand shifted towards another pokeball.

Her sharp and calculating ruby eyes seemed to sparkle a bit as she took out a great ball, avoiding the other that she usually used.

The students' chatter and murmur increased at the sight of the great ball and Nagisa couldn't help but overhear a part of their conversation at how loud they were.

"The red haired dude has no chance of winning against her now." A student said to his friend and the other nodded at his words.

"I know right? She's about to use her secret weapon now!" He replied excitedly, catching the blue head's attention.

A secret weapon? Now that could spell trouble for Karma. Nagisa thought, his gaze traveling towards the great ball with great interest. I wonder what her secret weapon actually is?

"I've dedicated my whole life into converting all the knowledge that I have into strength." Roxanne said while pointing the pokeball towards the ground. Her eyes were closed but the smile on her face said it all.

She opened her eyes with the same spark that Karma had seen yesterday. "And I don't plan to lose without acknowledging your true strength." The pokeball opened and out came in a blue flash, a green Pokémon with yellow eyes and a yellow pattern on its underside.

It had a yellow band around its neck. It had red and pink tentacles coming out of the back of its head and there seemed to be eyes like pattern on top of its head.

Nagisa's pokedex was already out and scanning the unknown Pokemon just as it materialized.


Wow, so that's one of the two fossil pokemons only found in Hoenn region! Nagisa thought, surprised and amazed at the rare Pokemon on the battlefield.

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