18~ Aerial Panic

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Hello readers! It's the longest chapter I've written. Hope you like it :3

Third person POV

Ledians and Ladyba flew in a group as the windmills helped them accelerate their speeds. The newly hatched pokemons like Fletchling, Volbeat and Illumise used the windmills to help them levitate from the ground and learn how to change directions in the wind.

Dandelions flew from the gardens and towards somewhere new where nobody knew. In short, Dendemille town was picturesque and peaceful. For now at least.

"Heh, we'll capture her in no time. She's weak and exhausted but very rare, we'll get our hands on her soon."


"Wow! This town looks so beautiful." Nagisa exclaimed, his statement bring followed by Karma's sigh of approval. His Fomantis was also enjoying the town as she gazed at the flowers and Hoppip flying.

Today was Fomantis' turn to be out so, here she was, in front of Nagisa and Karma because she didn't like following anyone.

"Definitely a place for relaxation." Karma said as he stretched his arms out and placed them behind his head.

Nagisa smiled at his statement before a familiar green head got into his line of vision. "Kayano chan! You're here too?" He asked and Kayano, who was buying something which looked a lot like Oran berry pudding, turned towards him with a surprised look.

"It must've been fate!" Kayano said while gathering the puddings and paying for them. She put the puddings in her bag which seemed to have endless space.

"What were you doing here anyway?" Nagisa said and Fomantis met up with Ivysaur who made small talks with her.

Kayano rubbed her nape as she laughed nervously, "Well, I heard that this city had sky battling area and I have a Pokemon who could use some training."

Karma perked up when she mentioned battle, this city had a battling area? He swung his arm around Nagisa's neck who didn't really seem to mind it as he said, "I guess I'll have time to train my Noibat too. Don't ya' think so?"

Nagisa sweatdropped as he waved his hand to draw their attention, "Um...you know that I don't have any flying type Pokemon, right?"

Both of them turned their heads towards him as they said in chorus, "You can just watch us from the sidelines." The blue head sulked at their statement.

Kayano bumped her fist with her palm as she said, "We can fly ourselves when we wear sky training clothes. Maybe you can just fly and watch us battle?" Nagisa nodded at her suggestion.

"Alright then. We have no time to waste. Let's head on to the battling area and knock some trainers down~"


"So, you're here for sky battling huh?" The woman on the counter, who had a name tag which read Himiko, asked.

The three iconic trio nodded and she came out of the counter. She went towards a room while telling them to follow her, which they did.

"Tamako chan! We have some novice sky trainers here!" She called and a girl with turquoise gliding suit approached them with a bright smile on her face.

"Ah! Welcome to the sky battling area! I'll guide you so, don't worry~" Her Staravia chirped after her and she went towards a closet.

"This closer has different colored suit and sized flying equipment so, please feel free to choose one of them." She said and presented the opened closet towards the trainers.

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