6~ Smile

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I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Nagisa's POV

I glanced at the screen anxiously while scanning the performers who had won till now. Kayano had used her Fletching so it was no problem for her in the first round.

The last set of performers finished the first round making us advance towards the next one. Monsieur Pierre started to tell about the rules of performing and the woman from before entered the room again.

"I need Yagi Fuyumi to come with me." A girl went along with her Horsea and Litleo trailing behind her. The woman looked at her notebook before flipping her page and saying, "I need Kaede Kayano next."

Kayano perked up at hearing her name and exclaimed a loud 'yes' to the woman. "Kayano chan, are you nervous for your performance?" I asked while watching the green haired girl nod her head enthusiastically, "Of course I am nervous! My excitement just overshadows it!"

I sweatdropped at her statement as the first contender danced to a very solemn song, almost like an act of grievance. The performance soon finished and I could hear the crowd cheering for her loudly.

"I'm up! Wish me luck." I waved my hand as I flashed her a smile, "Good luck!" I looked at the screen as Kayano stepped on the stage with her Bulbasaur and Fletchling. Her music was bubbly and cheerful so there were sparkles and fireworks many times throughout her performance.

She was really good. "Shiota Nagisa, please follow me." I stiffened as soon as I heard my name before gulping and following the woman. Braixen and Riolu were trailing behind me with an equally nervous expression.

"You're never going to win like this." The woman suddenly spoke up and I looked at her confused. I stepped onto the podium as she explained, "You're too nervous and tense. How do you think your pokemons are going to feel when the trainer himself is not confident?"

"Be confident and bold when you're on the stage because that's going to be one of the most important part of being a king or a queen. The ability to speak up and be bold when you do so." My lips formed a peaceful smile when she finished her pep talk and I thanked her, my previous anxiousness not as prominent as before.

The podium rose up and I was on the stage again. The song which I had choose was enthusiastic but not as much as Kayano's. I closed my eyes and breathed in before opening them and smiling widely.

The first few beats started out softly and Braixen started to bob her head up and down slowly. The opening beats ended and the beats me ants as a signal to start dancing finally came and I started, "Braixen use flamethrower to make a circle of fire." Braixen twirled her stick before throwing it up lighted with fire making it look as if we were in a spiral of fire.

I started to move to the beat and lyrics and Riolu jumped over my shoulder. "Braixen use Psyshock and Riolu use Force palm!" Braixen caught her stick and the circle of fire remained as she jumped high, Riolu following after her.

Braixen let out a purple beam from the tip of her stick and Riolu used force palm to turn it into shower of purple sparkles, just like we had practiced. The purple sparkling light interspersed above the stage, almost blanketing our view.

I extended my hand and Riolu landed on my palm. "Braixen use psybeam! Riolu, jump!" Braixen created three midnight shade of rings as the beat slowed down- the climax was close, I noted mentally.

Riolu jumped through all of the rings safely and the beat started to rise up to create a suspensory effect. I tapped my foot on the ground and Riolu landed on the ground with a flip.

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