Epilogue (Arc 1)

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This author note is a bit important so please read it!

I am planning to make another arc where Karma and Nagisa travel in Hoenn region so, I was wondering if you want it or not. If you don't want it, this book'll probably end right here and if you want then, I can try to make another arc in this same book.

Continue reading the chapters!

Third person POV

After the trainers had stopped grieving, the first thing that they noticed were the reporters who had surrounded them with their cameras and microphone, almost shoving it on the trainers face.

Karasuma and Diantha had made sure that no one was hurt by the crowd of reporters and she made sure that everyone had their attention on her.

"Everyone! The Kalos league is unfortunately getting delayed because of some incidents so please do something else until then." Diantha had announced while gesturing to the damaged stadium.

The reporters had tried to get answers out of the trainers who were involved in the incident but the Pokemons that surrounded the trainers had other plans.

The trainers returned to their own home, some went to another regions to travel whereas some stayed in Kalos to check the places they hadn't gotten much time to check out.

The red and blue duo had decided to go to the Hoenn region with the Kalos badges still with Karma because the red head wanted to flaunt it to the other novice trainers in Hoenn as he had said.

Typical Karma.

Both of them talked with Nagisa's mom who accepted Nagisa coming out quite well but gave Karma the 'shovel talk' so it was a bit not nice for him.

Karma and Nagisa went to the tower of mastery where Karma had to fight against Gurkinn's Blaziken who just so happened to have a mega stone too.

Karma wasn't allowed to use mega evolution in the battle and he lost quite badly to Gurrkin. The mega evolution guru allowed him to use the mega ring but only in emergencies because he still wasn't 'ready.'

Right now, both of them were at the airport, looking for the plane they were supposed to board.

"Karma, I think that's the Dragonair airlines." Nagisa said while pointing towards the place where the Dragonair logo was shown.

"Yup, that's it." Karma confirmed, glancing at the tickets on his hand before looking at the logo.

The two of them boarded the plane after confirming the fact yet again because Nagisa was a bit paranoid about boarding the wrong plane.

All of their pokemons were in their pokeball because they weren't allowed to be free in the plane.

The plane soon took off and Nagisa watched the view from the window. He had never flown in a airplane so he was still afraid of what could happen.

He jolted when he felt a something warm on his hand before turning at Karma. Karma had placed his own hand on Nagisa's rubbing soothingly while flashing him a reassuring smile.

"Did you know that Gyarados is actually a water/flying type and not a dragon type?!"

The moment between them broke just as they noticed a broccoli head sitting beside them mumbling and jotting down notes while the blonde boy behind him tched at the annoying muttering.

"....And Charizard was so going to be a dragon type, it's genes just decided to fail it and call it a fire/flying type..." The boy kept ranting out stuffs, writing things down on his notebook.

"Shut up, you damn nerd!"

"A-ah...but my research..."

"Tch...your 'research' can go to hell and you can follow it down there."

"Huh?! Don't take out your Pokemon out here!"

"Shut up and just die!"

Nagisa sweatdropped at the commotion the two were causing and Karma had an annoyed smile on his face, this was going to be a long ride, wasn't it?

Their next stop, Hoenn region's Littleroot town!

Words: 691

Very short but it's a epilogue so, wynaut? (Get it? Wynaut? Wubbaffet? No, okay.) Please give me answers whether you want Hoenn arc too or not!

Bye~! ( ・ω・)ノ

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