26~ Flight and dreams

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It's back to school now, I think I'll update slower than before.

Third person POV

The trainers set off towards the Kalos league after Nagisa had a quick meeting with Monsieur Pierre.

He resigned from becoming a Pokemon performer, giving up the two keys that he had earned before. The blonde man had taken his leave nicely than expected and just like that, the blue head was jobless now.

"You said that you wanted to become a coordinator right?" Karma asked while walking through the icy route of Snowbelle city.

Nagisa nodded, "You were right when you said that the careers were confusing me." He was carrying Vulpix on his arms since he wanted the fox Pokemon to see the world outside.

"Hmm....that means we'll have to go separate ways after Kalos league." Karma said in a not so pleased voice which reflected the distaste he felt at saying the sentence.

Sandshrew was also out but he was walking and digging his own path so that was fine with Karma.

Nagisa shook his head, "Ah..about that, I was wondering if you would travel along with me after you finish your league here." The blue head had taken all things into careful consideration because career paths weren't really light matter.

He knew that they had to split up if he chose to pursue his dreams but he didn't want to leave to another region without his friend slash crush.

So the best choice would be to ask the red head if he wanted to travel along with him. After all, the other regions have gym leaders and leagues too.

"I-it's okay if you don't want to." Nagisa added hesitantly after asking the red head to join him once again.

"Of course I would." Karma said before turning his head away but raising his hand and showing his pinky finger. "Afterall, you made that oath below the pledging tree."

Karma was surprised to know that Nagisa had planned on asking him to travel another region with him. He thought that he'll just have to wander about without the blue head telling him not to be rude to anyone.

"Ah..you remembered the pledge we made below the pledging tree?" Nagisa said while smiling happily, glad to know that Karma was willing to travel another region with him.

"Yeah...the one where both of us had to make pinky promise like kids." Karma clarified while glancing at Sandshrew time to time.

"Well, I'm glad that you'll travel another region along with me." Nagisa said in a soft tone.

"Oh, look. We reached the Mamoswine route." Karma said and the both of them had to end the conversation right at that.


"A lift?" A boy, who looked the same age as the two trainers, repeated and Nagisa nodded.

"Please take us to Lumiose city along with you." Nagisa bowed slightly, asking the boy to take them along with him.

Both of them just realized how much of a distance was between Lumiose city and the place where they were. Thankfully, someone that they had met before happened to be in the town where they were, making it easier for them to ask.

Whom they were referring to was Taisei Yoshida, a transport Pokemon specialist. Other than Scraggy, all the pokemons he had were transport related.

"Uh...I guess I can." Yoshida said while shrugging and taking out two pokeballs, "I'm heading to Lumiose city to meet up with my team."

He threw the pokeballs and two pokemons materialized in front of them.

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