27~ Prism tower

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Third person POV

A beam of sunlight peeked through the crack of the curtains, hitting Karma's face. The red head stirred, groaning at the burning sensation of the light that hit his eyes.

He tried to raise his hand to pull the curtains but felt a warm body cuddling with him and preventing his arm from moving. He turned towards the person sleeping next to him and the annoyed expression on his face softened at the sight.

Nagisa was clutching on his dominant hand, his usually neat blue locks spread out and some strands were covering his face. His head was rested on Karma's chest as if he was made to stay in this position.

The blue head's steady and shallow breath hit his clothed chest as Nagisa nuzzled closer to Karma. It was too freaking cute.

His another hand was on Nagisa's waist which was thankfully hidden by the oversized shirt.

Nagisa, somehow, seemed to sense Karma's movement in his sleep as he gripped on the arm tighter, not planning to let go of it soon. It didn't hurt much so Karma was fine with it.

He looked very endearing in this position. Not that he didn't always but this made him look even more cuter.

"Hey Nagisa, wake up." Karma said softly while shaking the blue head awake.

Nagisa mumbled something in his sleep and nuzzles Karma before trying to go back to sleep again. Karma would've seriously taken some photos of the sleeping cutie beside him if not for the tight grip he had.

"Nagisa.." Karma tried again and Nagisa groaned, rubbing his eyes and slowly opening his eyes.

His confused and groggy blue eyes turned alarmed when he saw Karma but the memories of yesterday manages to enter his groggy state, making his eyes flash in remembrance.

"Good morning, Karma." Nagisa said in a sleepy voice before yawning and sitting up on his bed.

"Morning." Karma said, removing his arm off the blue head's waist and stretching along with Nagisa.

Nagisa's shirt was, as aforementioned, oversized, so the shirt didn't ride up and reveal his waist but it was big enough to droop from one of his shoulder, displaying his smooth and creamy skin.

His collarbone was peeking out from the large purple shirt too.

"Oh, I think we overslept...I even forgot to set the alarm." Nagisa said sleepily at the big bold numbers on the screen, 10:23 am.

"It's okay. It's not like we're going to do something important today." Karma said while going towards the bathroom that was attached to the room.

After Karma left, Nagisa sat in front of the large mirror, combing his hair that was full of knots and tangles. More tangly than a Tangela.

He put his hair up in a low ponytail after combing it and he looked at the wrist band that Karma had given him. It was a daily routine for his part. Wake up, wash up, comb his hair and look at the wrist band before going to Nurse Joy to ask permission to use the kitchen.

Today was, however, different since he woke up with Karma by his side. He still couldn't comprehend how he managed to greet Karma without turning into a Diglett and digging a hold to bury himself from the embarrassment.

He had just slept in the same bed as his best friend and friends do that time to time, right? Cuddling included too.

Nagisa entered the bathroom after Karma came out and did his usual morning wash up.

The blue head came out of the bathroom, clad with his normal outfit, to see Karma in his normal outfit, watching something on the pokepad. He seemed to notice his presence as he said, "Nagisa, you said that you had a nightmare yesterday, right?"

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