8~ Cliffs

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A battle chateau chapter sounded really boring to me so I just skipped that one.

Third person POV

The trip to Cyllage city had been hell. Not all part of it though. The berry field was fun and the scenery was amazing but- Zubats! Both of them had done a horrible mistake by not bringing repels with them which had consequences both didn't want to recall.

Talking about Cyllage city, they finally reached there after crossing the connecting cave, also known as the Zubat roost. Or should they call it the horrible cave where Zubats swarmed them with each and every freaking step?

"We finally reached Cyllage city!" Nagisa exclaimed while stretching his arms and legs which were getting sore from walking and carrying the incubator. Karma hadn't complained but he was also getting a little tired from walking a distance like this one.

Both of them were surprised when they found out that the other's team was upgraded. Grovyle, although, was unhappy since he couldn't perch on Karma's shoulder anymore.

Fomantis didn't like Karma at all. She respected the fact that he traveled with her trainer but still didn't give him individual respect. Well that was expected since Fomantis only liked people who were not lazy and were willing to brush them every now and then.

"Karma kun, this city has the next gym right?" Nagisa questioned.

He nodded, "Yeah, the gym which has the badge I will be getting my hands on after the battle."

Nagisa sweat dropped, "Why, aren't you just confident?" To which Karma cheekily stuck his tongue out.

They entered the Pokemon center to check whether the egg was healthy or not. Turns out that someone else was there too.

"Nagisa kun!" He turned around, only to be pushed back by the impact of a hug.

"Kayano?" She removed herself from him as she nodded.

"Why are you here?" Nagisa asked and looked at Karma who took the incubators to Nurse Joy. Kayano hitched a thumb at some indefinite point of the door as she answered, "My sister works at the fossil lab as a researcher."

Nagisa nodded his head and saw Karma approach them. "Oh? You're here too."

He gave Nagisa the incubator. "Nurse Joy told me that the eggs were healthy but it'll be a long time until they hatch." Nagisa carried the incubator and took a look at the egg with a muted, 'I see'.

Karma turned towards Kayano and spoke, "Where are you from?"

Nagisa turned his attention towards them as she answered, "I'm actually from Kanto but I live in Lumiose city right now."

"Figures. If you were to migrate to Kalos, Lumiose is the top choice." Karma shrugged.

Kayano jolted when she felt her pokepad ring. She excused herself and answered the call.


"Yeah? I'm in the Pokemon center right now."

"Really? They found her?"

"Okay, okay. I'm coming there right now."

Kayano switched the pokepad off before waving her hand sheepishly. "Sorry! But my sister just called me for a work. I've got to go!" She waved at them before exiting the Pokemon center with a skip in her step.

"She looks really happy." Nagisa commented while watching her go. Karma nodded after him and walked ahead, "Let's go to the gym now."

Both of them made their way towards the gym after Nagisa leading him with the help of his pokepad. Karma didn't bother knocking again and strode in confidently.

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