17~ Fairy power

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Happy new year! Hope you have made your 2019 resolution. (Mine's improving my writing skill and conversing skills.)

The previous chapter had too much of ghost, don't you think so? This chapter, let's try to go for fairy and everything else that's pink!

Third person POV

The trainers had woken up in the outskirts of Laverre city from a very strange dream consisting of ghost type pokemons, an actual ghost and a cliché sob story.

Nagisa heard his pokepad ping with notification and it turns out that the dream that they had seen was real.

Gengar's great ball was attached on Karma's pokeball attaching belt and the notification which had popped up told them that their balance was full now.

The 30,000 yen showing in big letters and that meant both of them weren't going broke. Both of them were relieved by that and thankful for that strange man's generosity.


Laverre city had a person who was an expert in making useful items for trainers in exchange for a heart scale. Nagisa had three of those heart scale since they could find items lying around on the route for no reason sometimes.

"So, you want me to make a bigger TM case out of these two." The man said while examining the two different colored TM case on the table. Nagisa had taken out the TM from them since the man would need empty items to make something.

Nagisa's TM case was azure blue whereas, Karma's was scarlet red. It certainly had to be one of the most difficult jobs he had in his lifetime.

Having to merge two items with colors that contrasted like day and night and having them look beautiful and unique. But he would take this challenge.

The man snapped his finger as he said, "Alright then, I'll make one side blue and the other side red. How does that sound?" Nagisa and Karma looked at each other for confirmation before nodding.

"Alright then. Come for it in the evening."


"Oh, hi! My name is Tomohito Sugino." A raven haired boy said as his Wartotle let out a friendly sound.

They met him near the Laverre city gym, staring at a poster before snapping it shut when the two boys approached him.

Nagisa and Karma introduced themselves to him and he nodded his head. "The gym leader of this gym is beautiful but..." He paused dramatically before unrolling a poster in front of the two boys.

"Her sister is even more beautiful!" Sugino said while a love struck expression graced his face. Needless to say, he was absolutely right. She looked like a total angel and her Petilil that was on her arm looked cute.

She had long black hair that stopped at her mid back and her golden eyes shone with gentleness, politeness and elegance. She was wearing a pink and blue kimono, her sister's designs, which looked stunning on her.

"She looks really beautiful." Nagisa nodded and Karma arched his eyebrow at him. "Beautiful, eh? Is little Nagisa having a crush on her?"

That comment hurt Karma a little but he still masked it with a mocking comment. Sugino turned at him while closing the poster with narrowed eyes, "You better not..."

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